Beyond a culture of two halves: A close look at sectarianism in Scotland
This resource can be used to compliment any existing work you are doing on sectarianism. However, if this resource is being used as the basis of a programme, additional work would need to take place to ensure there is consistency between sessions. Only some exercises can be used in isolation. It aims to raise awareness of sectarianism and the impact that sectarian behaviour has on communities and individuals.
Explore this resource
It is recommended that staff read Tackling sectarianism: An overview of resources and use the Timeline professional learning resource as preparation for delivering this anti-sectarian resource.
How to use this resource
A variety of learning activities are described under the following headings:
- what is sectarianism
- history of sectarianism
- causes of sectarianism
- consequences of sectarianism
- young people’s rights
Improvement questions
- How does this work link with the range of protected characteristics that are defined by the Equality Act (2010)?
- To what extent do our community members understand the concept of sectarianism?
- Do we offer our community members the opportunity to explore their own life experiences in relation to sectarianism?
- How far as a community do we challenge bigotry, prejudice and discrimination towards members, or presumed members, of a religious denomination?
Content source
PDF file: Beyond a culture of two halves: A close look at sectarianism in Scotland (6.5 MB)