High-quality professional learning

Professional learning and skills development are an important part of building staff confidence and capacity in recognising and responding to bullying. An ethos of engagement in professional learning and collegiate working leads to an inclusive ethos and improved outcomes for learners. Strong leadership of wellbeing and inclusion by staff at all levels results in a greater understanding of the impact of bullying and the need to take strong action in both prevention and response.  

Staff recognise the need to create learning environments which are safe, nurturing, respectful, and free from abuse and discrimination and have established a collegiate learning culture. They are successful in identifying appropriate approaches and interventions to successfully tackle incidents of bullying.  

All staff routinely engage in career-long professional learning relating to anti-bullying and through enquiry, develop coherent approaches which build and sustain their practice. Staff develop and use knowledge from literature, research, and policy sources to support learners who have experienced bullying. They often engage partners, including voluntary organisations, in delivery of professional learning to deepen their knowledge of effective approaches to anti-bullying.  

Staff who have benefited from professional learning on the development of positive relationships recognise the importance of creating a culture where children and young people feel included, respected, safe, and secure. They have a shared understanding of wellbeing underpinned by children’s rights and a focus on positive relationships across the whole school community. Staff can evidence the impact their professional learning has had on children’s experiences and wellbeing, including their sense of safety. In these schools, children and young people feel that their concerns are taken seriously and that incidents of bullying are effectively resolved.