Whole-school universal measures

Strong universal approaches to preventing bullying are built on an ethos of inclusion. This is embedded in day-to-day practices in line with the ‘Respect for All' national guidance. The message that bullying is never acceptable is always prevalent and continuously and consistently reinforced. All staff, learners, parents, and partners have a good understanding and clear expectations of their role in establishing and maintaining an anti-bullying culture.   

Promoting respectful relationships, repairing relationships, and where appropriate, ensuring that all forms of prejudice are tackled, contributes to an environment where bullying cannot thrive. Schools implement universal whole school strategies and programmes to improve relationships and behaviour, promote equality and challenge inequality, and help prevent and address bullying.   

Successful schools also adopt a range of well-considered and carefully planned targeted approaches to responding to incidents of bullying. In many cases, they also improve relationships, promote equality and develop emotional wellbeing to help prevent and address bullying. 

The ongoing monitoring and tracking of incidents of bullying, including protected characteristics, helps to inform senior leaders of the most appropriate strategy to put in place to address incidents of bullying. Where analysis of evidence suggests bullying relates to specific issues, senior leaders consider more targeted responses to address these.   

Each bullying incident is reviewed individually, and a range of different practices are used to help identify what is most effective. These schools develop preventative approaches and strategies to address bullying when it occurs. Approaches are rooted in and clearly reflect the values of fairness, respect, equality, and inclusion.