CIRCLE resource to support Inclusive Learning and Collaborative Working (Primary and Secondary)
The CIRCLE resources were developed through a collaboration between Queen Margaret University, NHS Lothian and City of Edinburgh Council.
The information in these resources represent the reflective practice of hundreds of teachers as well as feedback from learners and parents/carers. It also reflects relevant research and policy guidance.
CIRCLE: Ideas in practice - primary (PDF)
CIRCLE: Ideas in practice - secondary (PDF)
How to use this resource to improve practice?
The CIRCLE Framework is a way of organising and supporting input using a staged system of support, beginning with setting up an inclusive classroom. Checklists and planning tools are included to support discussion, and can be used to document strategies used and record professional learning. It includes the CIRCLE Inclusive Classroom Scale and the CIRCLE Participation Scale developed with practitioners to support identification of changes required and the measurement of progress.
Overall, the resource aims to empower education staff to support all pupils, to promote inclusive practice and to encourage effective collaboration between school staff, parents/carers, partner services and other agencies.
These resources strengthen a whole school approach to improving inclusive practice but can also be used by individual practitioners improving their classroom setting or their approach to supporting an individual learner.
CIRCLE professional learning
Education Scotland has created additional professional learning materials to support individual and group learning around how to promote effective inclusive practice using the CIRCLE framework for inclusion and to support development of knowledge and experience in using the CIRCLE framework tools:
View the CIRCLE (Primary) professional learning materials
View the CIRCLE (Secondary) professional learning materials
Practice Exemplars
Colleagues in East Lothian have kindly shared their approach to a strategic roll-out of the CIRCLE resource across all Primary and Secondary settings, with reflection on impact:
East Lothian CIRCLE Impact Report 2023 (PDF)
CIRCLE Implementation in East Lothian (PDF)
Practitioners working in a variety of roles and settings share their experience and reflections on using the CIRCLE tools.
Improvement questions
- To what extent does my classroom practice reflect the context of Scottish education, inclusion and equality?
- How can my inclusive classroom practice support and secure improved achievement and attainment for children and young people who require additional support?
- Do I know where to access information and free resources to support my inclusive classroom practice and do I evaluate their impact?