Curriculum planning in the Technologies
Explore this practice exemplar
A group of teachers in Midlothian came together to explore how they could support each other to plan for progression in the Technologies. The group initially wanted to create a unit on graphic communication that could be used across the local authority.
They decided they could provide more effective support through collaborating to moderate the experiences and outcomes (Es+Os). All secondary schools were using these across the broad general education (BGE), to ensure that children transitioning between schools would have opportunities to engage in the full range of Technologies Es and Os.
In the following video, the teachers explain the process they used, including the impact this had on planning in their departments as well as across the wider school.
Key documents
Improvement questions
- Do you use the moderation cycle to develop your curriculum?
- Have you shared your curriculum with other schools/peers?
- Do you have a clear narrative for your BGE and senior phase curriculum?