Developing Action Inquiry in Glasgow

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourceLearning resources categoryScottish Attainment Challenge

​A resource pack for schools and nurseries in Glasgow providing advice and guidance on using 'Action Inquiry' approaches to improve effective learning and teaching strategies. Action Research is a cyclical process which involves stages of planning, observing, action and reflection, carried out by individual practitioners, a group of practitioners or across a whole establishment.

How to use this resource

The methodology contained within the resource details the following points:

  • teaching methods to develop an innovative teaching technique
  • learning strategies for sharing approaches used in a different area of the school
  • evaluative procedures to improve methods of continuous assessment
  • attitudes and values that staff and pupils in the school benefit from more positive work attitudes
  • continuing professional development (CPD) for improved self-reflection skills
  • management and control for developing behaviour modification techniques in the school or early years and childcare settings
  • identifying aspects of school administration which could be more efficient
    (Adapted from Cohen et al, 2011: p. 344)

Action Research is conducted by practitioners (rather than an external researcher) in their everyday educational work environment. When considering the Leadership of Learning it may be useful to reflect on the following:

  • How effectively do we create a learning culture within our school?
  • To what extent are all staff involved in leading learning across and beyond our school?

​Explore this resource

Action Research is an increasingly popular tool for developing and improving learning and teaching. It is a framework for practitioners to enhance and develop their teaching, by making use of their own experiences. It can be used ‘in almost any setting where a problem involving people, tasks and procedures cries out for solution, or where a change of feature results in a more desirable outcome’ (Cohen, Manion & Morrison, 2011: p. 344).

Research methods and conducting a research project:

Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. (2011). Research Methods in Education, 7th Ed., Oxon: Routledge
Robson, C. (2011). Real World Research, 3rd Ed., Chichester: John Wiley


PDF file: Developing Action Enquiry (925 KB)

Developing Action Inquiry in Glasgow

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourceLearning resources categoryScottish Attainment Challenge

​A resource pack for schools and nurseries in Glasgow providing advice and guidance on using 'Action Inquiry' approaches to improve effective learning and teaching strategies. Action Research is a cyclical process which involves stages of planning, observing, action and reflection, carried out by individual practitioners, a group of practitioners or across a whole establishment.

How to use this resource

The methodology contained within the resource details the following points:

  • teaching methods to develop an innovative teaching technique
  • learning strategies for sharing approaches used in a different area of the school
  • evaluative procedures to improve methods of continuous assessment
  • attitudes and values that staff and pupils in the school benefit from more positive work attitudes
  • continuing professional development (CPD) for improved self-reflection skills
  • management and control for developing behaviour modification techniques in the school or early years and childcare settings
  • identifying aspects of school administration which could be more efficient
    (Adapted from Cohen et al, 2011: p. 344)

Action Research is conducted by practitioners (rather than an external researcher) in their everyday educational work environment. When considering the Leadership of Learning it may be useful to reflect on the following:

  • How effectively do we create a learning culture within our school?
  • To what extent are all staff involved in leading learning across and beyond our school?

​Explore this resource

Action Research is an increasingly popular tool for developing and improving learning and teaching. It is a framework for practitioners to enhance and develop their teaching, by making use of their own experiences. It can be used ‘in almost any setting where a problem involving people, tasks and procedures cries out for solution, or where a change of feature results in a more desirable outcome’ (Cohen, Manion & Morrison, 2011: p. 344).

Research methods and conducting a research project:

Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. (2011). Research Methods in Education, 7th Ed., Oxon: Routledge
Robson, C. (2011). Real World Research, 3rd Ed., Chichester: John Wiley


PDF file: Developing Action Enquiry (925 KB)