Developing respectful relationships to prevent bullying
The respectmeans learning resource has been created by Respect Me, Scotland's anti-bullying service. It can be used to introduce children and young people to:
- respect and what it means
- how relationships and friendships built on respect can help prevent bullying
It is suitable to be used with class-sized groups of children aged 10 to 16.
The whole lesson can be covered in 45 minutes. There is also a #respectmeans YouTube video to accompany the resource.
For younger pupils, the session can be split over several sessions. It can equally be delivered to smaller groups of young people.
The resource takes children and young people through a series of questions and practical activities to help them promote respectful relationships on a daily basis. It will help learners to understand:
- the meaning of respect and what respectful behaviour is and ways in which respect can be demonstrated
- inclusion and tackle prejudiced based attitudes and behaviour
- the effects and consequence of their behaviour on the wellbeing of others
- the contribution that respectful behaviour has towards developing healthy relationships
- that everyone shares the responsibility for creating a climate of respect and trust
The resource also explains how the learning and objectives of the resources support health and wellbeing outcomes.
Improvement questions
What does respect look like and feel like on a daily basis in our school?
How can I role model respect to others and myself?
What does respect mean to me?