Divided City: Exploring sectarianism – Primary pack

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 27/02/2025
sourceLearning resources schoolHealth and Wellbeing (HWB) groupsPrimary categoryInclusion Wellbeing and Equality

The divided city primary pack for exploring sectarianism (PDF) has been created by the Citizens Theatre and can be used in conjunction with a novel study of Divided City by Theresa Breslin. However, it can also be delivered by reading excerpts from the novel.

It is recommended that staff read Tackling sectarianism: An overview of resources and use the Timeline professional learning resource as preparation for delivering this anti-sectarian resource.

About this resource

Taking part in drama involves putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, and many of these activities ask the young people to consider other people’s beliefs, attitudes and points of view, seeing situations through their eyes in order to understand them.

Ultimately, these activities are designed to encourage young people to form their own points of view and feel able to respectfully challenge those with whom they disagree.

Practitioners have found this to be an engaging and interactive resource which produces a stimulating learning environment. It has a proven track record of successful engagement in several local authority areas.

How to use this resource

There are six workshops which could each take from 1 to 1.5 hours. Learning can be linked across curricular areas particularly literacy and literacy across learning; health and wellbeing; RME; social studies; and expressive arts.

Using this resource will offer learners the opportunity to explore sectarianism, the history, its impact and their own personal response.

The six workshops cover an exploration of discrimination, the history of sectarianism and the impact of sectarianism on friendships and on individuals.

A variety of activities are utilised with many drama activities incorporated which support young learners to walk in the shoes of people with different viewpoints and beliefs.

Background information is provided for staff who are unfamiliar with aspects of the topic.

Improvement questions

  • How does this work link with the range of protected characteristics that are defined by the Equality Act (2010)?

  • To what extent do our learners understand the concept of sectarianism?

  • Do we offer our learners the opportunity to explore their own life experiences in relation to sectarianism?

  • How far as a school community do we challenge bigotry, prejudice and discrimination towards members, or presumed members, of a religious denomination?

Divided City: Exploring sectarianism – Primary pack

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 27/02/2025
sourceLearning resources schoolHealth and Wellbeing (HWB) groupsPrimary categoryInclusion Wellbeing and Equality

The divided city primary pack for exploring sectarianism (PDF) has been created by the Citizens Theatre and can be used in conjunction with a novel study of Divided City by Theresa Breslin. However, it can also be delivered by reading excerpts from the novel.

It is recommended that staff read Tackling sectarianism: An overview of resources and use the Timeline professional learning resource as preparation for delivering this anti-sectarian resource.

About this resource

Taking part in drama involves putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, and many of these activities ask the young people to consider other people’s beliefs, attitudes and points of view, seeing situations through their eyes in order to understand them.

Ultimately, these activities are designed to encourage young people to form their own points of view and feel able to respectfully challenge those with whom they disagree.

Practitioners have found this to be an engaging and interactive resource which produces a stimulating learning environment. It has a proven track record of successful engagement in several local authority areas.

How to use this resource

There are six workshops which could each take from 1 to 1.5 hours. Learning can be linked across curricular areas particularly literacy and literacy across learning; health and wellbeing; RME; social studies; and expressive arts.

Using this resource will offer learners the opportunity to explore sectarianism, the history, its impact and their own personal response.

The six workshops cover an exploration of discrimination, the history of sectarianism and the impact of sectarianism on friendships and on individuals.

A variety of activities are utilised with many drama activities incorporated which support young learners to walk in the shoes of people with different viewpoints and beliefs.

Background information is provided for staff who are unfamiliar with aspects of the topic.

Improvement questions

  • How does this work link with the range of protected characteristics that are defined by the Equality Act (2010)?

  • To what extent do our learners understand the concept of sectarianism?

  • Do we offer our learners the opportunity to explore their own life experiences in relation to sectarianism?

  • How far as a school community do we challenge bigotry, prejudice and discrimination towards members, or presumed members, of a religious denomination?