DYW Interesting Practice - Weaving employability into the senior phase curriculum - St Andrew’s Secondary School
St Andrew’s RC Secondary School in Glasgow has adopted an innovative approach to their senior phase curriculum design which includes an employability strand alongside a two year Higher and traditional pathway model from S4 to S6.
It supports professional reflections around the Career Education and Work Placements Standards as well as School / Employer Partnerships.
Explore this exemplar
- to provide a more challenging and worthwhile learning experience at Higher
- to raise attainment and achievement at all levels and for each individual young person
- to improve the quality of learning and teaching and learners’ experiences offered within the senior phase
What was done
The Senior Phase curriculum was structured into 3 pathways:
- Two-year Higher pathway
- Core pathway
- Employability pathway
Partnership working was essential to deliver a full senior phase curriculum by:
- providing the range of learning opportunities and courses to meet the needs of all learners
- delivering the aspirations of the employability pathway
- delivering additional programmes to ensure all our young people developed employability skills
- providing leadership opportunities for young people within personal achievement
Colleges, higher education establishments, parents and business partners were all involved in coordinating the new range of opportunities.
What was the impact?
The new Curriculum for Excellence senior phase structure delivered improvements in attainment, measured in terms of breadth and depth, and continued improvements in sustained leaver destinations.