Early Speech, Language and Communication Development: Which Factors are Associated with Better or Poorer Outcomes?: Definitions: Prevention approaches

Early intervention has the potential to prevent some speech language and communication concerns (SLC) developing in infants and children. Early identification and support for emerging SLC concerns can reduce impact and the social consequences that develop as a result. 

We have used the following terms to describe a framework for prevention for different populations. This framework is neither linear nor hierarchical as all children and families will benefit from universal messages and some will require additional support.

Primary prevention

Primary prevention describes actions at a whole population level which aim to reduce the incidence of a condition and to prevent its later development. In the case of early SLC development this could be access to universal messages such as ‘Chatting Together' or other advice for all parents which encourages ‘early and often’ responsive adult interactions with infants and children to reduce the likelihood of SLC concerns developing.

Secondary prevention

Secondary prevention approaches are targeted at specific groups within the population. These approaches aim to both prevent SLC concerns from emerging and to act where there are early signs of concern. Targeted approaches are delivered to families most at risk of developing SLC concerns e.g. where there are circumstances that impact upon responsive parent child interactions and /or when early signs of SLC concerns are noticed.

Tertiary prevention

Tertiary prevention refers to interventions for an individual with a persisting condition or neurodevelopmental difference. Here the focus is on reducing negative consequences, improving quality of life, and enhancing an individual’s participation and inclusion. This type of individualised support is likely to be guided by practitioners with relevant expertise e.g. SLT, Psychologist, ASN services.