Learning together at Dunoon Grammar School, Argyll and Bute Council
Family engagement is a key ingredient to the success of Dunoon Grammar School.
The Cowal Family Learning Academy was introduced to encourage families to come together and learn in a safe place. A termly timetable of inputs was created in collaboration with our staff and partners. such as, Skills Development Scotland, the Job Centre Plus, our local primary schools and many other local partners.
At Dunoon Grammar School we feel that is important for parents/carers to be able to support their son/daughter prepare for assessment and examinations. We have created a new website full of resources such as “How to help your child pass” video for each subject. We also hold regular sessions for parents/carers on retrieval practice and other study techniques.
We believe that sharing information about transitions is imperative. Our extensive Primary 7 parental transition programme supports parents and young people to make a successful step into secondary education. Our weekly UCAS drop-in sessions support parents to understand the application process and how to help their son/daughter to write a personal statement.
Learning together promotes collegiality. This is emphasised by our Business and Computing department who invite S1 parents to join their son/daughter to 'learn with your child' session. This is where parents attend class with their child and join in with the learning.
- Family friendly communication
- Reduce the barriers faced by families
- Share the impact family input has
- Higher quality family engagement
- Better representation of targeted groups
- Greater attachment with the school
Jennifer McVicar (Depute Headteacher)