How Good is our Third Sector - Partnership and Family Learning - Self-evaluation

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourceSelf-evaluation groupsCommunity Learning and Development (CLD) groupsThird sector categoryParents and families

Peeple is an early intervention/prevention charity. These videos demonstrate how they used the How Good is our Third Sector Organisation (HGIOTSO) self-evaluation tool and framework created by Education Scotland to reflect on their performance against a range of quality indicators. A bespoke framework  that includes elements from ‘How Good is Our School?’ (4th edition) and was developed in partnership with Education Scotland to specifically suit the organisational needs of people.

How to use this approach

During the video, Peeple chose to focus on three overarching questions. With the support of Education Scotland, the following quality indicators and evaluation methods were identified to gather the necessary information:

  1. How clear and effective are our partnership arrangements with local authorities?
  2. How well does our partnership work with local authorities to ensure family learning staff are inclusive and engage families who will best benefit from support?
  3. How is our partnership work with local authorities improving outcomes?




Additional material

PDF file: PEEP and the Pupil Equity Fund (125 KB)

PDF file: HGIOTSO - Executive summary (231 KB)

How Good is our Third Sector - Partnership and Family Learning - Self-evaluation

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourceSelf-evaluation groupsCommunity Learning and Development (CLD) groupsThird sector categoryParents and families

Peeple is an early intervention/prevention charity. These videos demonstrate how they used the How Good is our Third Sector Organisation (HGIOTSO) self-evaluation tool and framework created by Education Scotland to reflect on their performance against a range of quality indicators. A bespoke framework  that includes elements from ‘How Good is Our School?’ (4th edition) and was developed in partnership with Education Scotland to specifically suit the organisational needs of people.

How to use this approach

During the video, Peeple chose to focus on three overarching questions. With the support of Education Scotland, the following quality indicators and evaluation methods were identified to gather the necessary information:

  1. How clear and effective are our partnership arrangements with local authorities?
  2. How well does our partnership work with local authorities to ensure family learning staff are inclusive and engage families who will best benefit from support?
  3. How is our partnership work with local authorities improving outcomes?




Additional material

PDF file: PEEP and the Pupil Equity Fund (125 KB)

PDF file: HGIOTSO - Executive summary (231 KB)