Culture, systems and practice: Practice

Key elements which support the development of practice are outlined below. This is designed to be used as a ‘quick check’ that will help establishments to quickly identify the elements of where they should focus their self-evaluation efforts to improve attendance and engagement. When areas for further development have been identified, Promoting attendance self-reflection questions for educational-settings will support both the self-evaluation and planning process.

List of elements

  • Approaches align to the values and culture 
  • ‘Getting it Right for Every Child’ is at the centre  
  • Reflects the views of the young person  
  • Evidence of curriculum flexibility and learning pathways  
  • Consideration given on how to promote access low income supports  
  • Prioritisation given to social and emotional support  
  • Ensures the building of connections with a key person  
  • Targets underlying causes such as wellbeing and additional support needs  
  • Activates children and young peoples’ motivation  
  • Focus on high-quality learning and teaching 
  • Understands the barriers for the young person(s) attendance and engagement