Development of plans, policies and guidance: Developing a context specific school attendance policy
- Identify school leader(s) with responsibility for improving whole school attendance.
- Identify relevant stakeholders from across the school community (in school and beyond).
- Identified school lead engages with current attendance data and both national and local authority policies for vision, rationale, guidance and legislation.
- School undertakes self-evaluation of current attendance supports and challenges to identify areas for action (data, observations and views).
- Stakeholders are consulted at relevant points to ensure context specific information.
- School attendance policy and procedures are created in alignment with national and authority level guidance.
- School promotes final attendance policy and procedures with all stakeholders.
- School lead for attendance creates timeline and action plan for implementation of the policy. Possible use a school ‘Action Enquiry Activity’ to inform the action plan.
- Agree a date for policy to be reviewed.