Improving attendance: understanding the issues report

There is a system-wide concern about reduced levels of attendance since the COVID-19 pandemic. National statistics provide evidence of a poverty-related gap in attendance.

This report has been created with the support of:

  • attainment advisors
  • the inclusion, wellbeing and equalities team
  • National Improvement Framework (NIF) officers
  • SG support and wellbeing team
  • the education analytical services teams 

His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Education (HMIe) contributed relevant evidence from school inspections.

All 32 local authorities in Scotland were consulted. Fourteen local authorities and eighteen schools were sampled to gain local level understanding of related issues.

Examples of emerging or effective practice were also gathered.

Read the Improving Attendance: understanding the issues report (PDF) in full.

Download the Sketchnote image Attendance in Scottish schools (PDF).