Putting children and young people's views at the centre: Section 3: What are the factors/feelings contributing to low engagement or attendance?

This section outlines possible open questions that can be used with the learner, in order to fully understand the factors that are leading to absence or low engagement. This is not an exhaustive list and are not designed to be prescriptive.

An editable plan can be found in the downloadable version (PDF)

Open question: What do you think about school? (Prompts: Why’s that? Tell me more about that?) 

  • Do you find the school welcoming and safe?  
  • Do you have any issues with the school rules or expectations? 
  • Does the school day structure suit you? 
  • Prompts: start time, break times, length of the day, your timetable, choice of subjects, clubs offered, buses …? 
  • How well do you get on with the staff in the school?  
  • Prompt: Any issues?  
  • Do you enjoy learning? Do you find it engaging or interesting? Do you find any subjects particularly difficult or too easy? 
  • How do you find the transitions in school? 
  • Prompts: changing classes, teachers, or even different activities during the day? Any specific issues?
  • Other factors

Open questions: How do you feel about school? Do you want to come to school? Do you feel supported in school? (Why’s that? Tell me more about that?) 

  • Do you feel:  
    • part of the school, that you belong?  
    • you have a say in what happens in the school? 
    • you can be your own person, an individual, in school? 
  • Do you think your confidence or your behaviour is affecting your learning or your attendance? 
  • Do you feel emotionally and/or physically well? (Prompts: Tired, low mood, unfit)
  • Does anything make you feel anxious? (Prompts: separation from family, learning tasks, exams)
  • Do you think you are well supported with your wellbeing?  
  • Do you think you are supported in your learning? 
  • Do you smoke or vape?
    • Does it affect you in school?
    • Do you have other habits that affect you attending class or school? Gaming? Social media? 

Open questions: Do you have friends in school? Tell me more about them? 

  • Do you find it easy to make friends?
    • Do you have a lot of friends or just a few?
    • Are they close or good friends?
    • Any issues with your friends?
    • Do you ever fall out with your friends? 
  • Do you ever feel lonely? 
    • Would you like to have more or different friends? 
  • At times do you feel pressurised by your friends?  (Prompts: looks, how to behave, through social media?)
    • Do you think your friends are good influence on you? 
  • Do you think your friends are there for you when you need support?  
    • Would you like more or less support from them? 
  • Do you ever feel bullied?
    • Have you been bullied?  (Prompt: Tell me more about that?)

Open questions: How are things at home? (Sensitivity and discretion is required for all questions about family) 

  • Do you get on well with everyone else in your family?  (Prompts: Tell me more about…? )
  • Has anything changed at home recently? 
  • Is everyone well at home? (Prompts: Everyone healthy, happy, or stressed out?)
    • Does your parent or carer help you with your homework? 
  • Do you feel your family support you?  
    • Would you like more or less support from them? 
  • Do you help out at home? How? 
    • Prompt: Tell me more about that? 
  • Did/do others in your family enjoy school? Were/are they good attendees?