Learning to read in the early years

This suite of professional learning resources has been developed alongside educators across Scotland to provide professional support, specifically in the area of learning to read in the early years.

Drawing upon a range of international research and guidance, it supports staff to interpret Scotland's curriculum guidance and make research-informed decisions for learning and teaching.

Three areas of professional knowledge and practice have been identified:

  • building a literacy rich environment through interactions, experiences and spaces
  • developing skills for reading
  • building independent and engaged readers.

The image shown depicts the interplay between these areas of professional knowledge and practice, which work together to impact a child's journey to becoming a reader.

The three areas form three distinct sections within the resource.

An overview of the resource, including key messages, can be found in the ‘Learning to read in the Early Years’: A professional support overview.

All educators who support children and young people to learn to read; in particular those working at early and first level.

The ‘Building a literacy rich environment’ section aims to support all educators from ELC and primary sectors. The ‘Developing skills for reading’ and ‘Building independent and engaged readers’ sections may be more relevant to primary teachers.

This professional learning resource can be used flexibly by individuals or with staff teams. You may choose to focus on a specific aspect, but it is recommended that the overall suite of resources is used to support a broader programme of professional learning. For example:

  • to develop and consolidate knowledge and practice of how children learn to read in the early years
  • as a tool for self-evaluation
  • to access research and signposted resources.

In each section of the professional learning resource, there are:

  • four videos
  • reflective questions
  • signposting to further reading and resources
  • an overview which provides a summary of video content and sources.