Maths modelling and coaching officers

Published 23/04/2024.  Last updated 08/08/2024


Renfrewshire is a mainly urban local authority in west central Scotland. It has 11 secondary schools and 50 primary schools as well as early years and specialist provisions. Across Renfrewshire, of the 225 data zones, one quarter are in the 20% most deprived areas. 


Analysis of data in 2017 indicated that numeracy and mathematics support was required for those primary schools serving the most deprived areas. At this time, an attainment challenge funded development officer (DO) was in place. The DO was tasked with putting a support package together to support these schools.

The role of a maths modelling and coaching officer (MCO) had been developed and deployed effectively in other local authorities. Therefore, the DO developed the MCO team as part of the wider package of support on offer. The MCO team was drawn from the pool of numeracy champions who were already in schools and who were highly skilled in numeracy pedagogical approaches. 

Attainment Scotland Funding  

Strategic Equity Funding and Pupil Equity Funding: Over £50,000 

Up to and including session 2021-22 three MCOs were funded centrally via Attainment Scotland Funding (ASF). During session 2022-23 Strategic Equity Funding (SEF) part funded the roles of two MCOs with schools who wished to access intensive support contributing part of the costs via Pupil Equity Funding (PEF).  

What Renfreshire Council did

The role of maths modelling and coaching officer (MCO) has been in place since 2018, covering a period of six years. During session 2022-23, using a range of data, 12 target schools were identified to receive weekly support from an MCO. Across the 12 schools, as well as upskilling teachers, MCOs effectively supported 260 children who had been identified as not working at the expected level of attainment. They successfully introduced Maths Recovery assessments in the majority of target schools and assisted teachers in implementing them. 

The MCOs also developed a refreshed numeracy and mathematics progression pathway which was introduced at the beginning of session 2022-23. The refreshed pathway provides clear links to highly effective pedagogical approaches. 


Focus group feedback and evaluations from the 12 target schools demonstrate that the MCO support has positively impacted on teachers’ understanding of effective pedagogy, confidence levels, and engagement and achievement of children in numeracy and mathematics. 

Of the 260 children identified as not working at expected levels, data highlighted that 70% of pupils progressed to being ‘on track’ to achieving expected levels of attainment as a result of targeted intervention. A further 19% of target children were said to have made accelerated progress towards getting back ‘on track’. 

Thirteen practitioners who took part in training sessions delivered by the MCOs during session 2022-23 completed a follow-up survey which explored what pedagogical changes, if any, had occurred after engaging in the training. Of the 13 respondents, two were teaching at early level, seven at first level with the remaining four at second level.

All respondents said that they had incorporated methodologies from the training into their classroom practice. Specific tasks that were modelled had been used in the classrooms by 92% of all respondents. Use of the new progression pathway, which was incorporated into training, was also used by 85% of respondents. All respondents reported increased knowledge and confidence which allowed them to better meet the needs of their learners. They all reported that the training had allowed them to implement practice change which had positively impacted on learners’ attainment. 

Maths modelling and coaching officers

Published 23/04/2024.  Last updated 08/08/2024


Renfrewshire is a mainly urban local authority in west central Scotland. It has 11 secondary schools and 50 primary schools as well as early years and specialist provisions. Across Renfrewshire, of the 225 data zones, one quarter are in the 20% most deprived areas. 


Analysis of data in 2017 indicated that numeracy and mathematics support was required for those primary schools serving the most deprived areas. At this time, an attainment challenge funded development officer (DO) was in place. The DO was tasked with putting a support package together to support these schools.

The role of a maths modelling and coaching officer (MCO) had been developed and deployed effectively in other local authorities. Therefore, the DO developed the MCO team as part of the wider package of support on offer. The MCO team was drawn from the pool of numeracy champions who were already in schools and who were highly skilled in numeracy pedagogical approaches. 

Attainment Scotland Funding  

Strategic Equity Funding and Pupil Equity Funding: Over £50,000 

Up to and including session 2021-22 three MCOs were funded centrally via Attainment Scotland Funding (ASF). During session 2022-23 Strategic Equity Funding (SEF) part funded the roles of two MCOs with schools who wished to access intensive support contributing part of the costs via Pupil Equity Funding (PEF).  

What Renfreshire Council did

The role of maths modelling and coaching officer (MCO) has been in place since 2018, covering a period of six years. During session 2022-23, using a range of data, 12 target schools were identified to receive weekly support from an MCO. Across the 12 schools, as well as upskilling teachers, MCOs effectively supported 260 children who had been identified as not working at the expected level of attainment. They successfully introduced Maths Recovery assessments in the majority of target schools and assisted teachers in implementing them. 

The MCOs also developed a refreshed numeracy and mathematics progression pathway which was introduced at the beginning of session 2022-23. The refreshed pathway provides clear links to highly effective pedagogical approaches. 


Focus group feedback and evaluations from the 12 target schools demonstrate that the MCO support has positively impacted on teachers’ understanding of effective pedagogy, confidence levels, and engagement and achievement of children in numeracy and mathematics. 

Of the 260 children identified as not working at expected levels, data highlighted that 70% of pupils progressed to being ‘on track’ to achieving expected levels of attainment as a result of targeted intervention. A further 19% of target children were said to have made accelerated progress towards getting back ‘on track’. 

Thirteen practitioners who took part in training sessions delivered by the MCOs during session 2022-23 completed a follow-up survey which explored what pedagogical changes, if any, had occurred after engaging in the training. Of the 13 respondents, two were teaching at early level, seven at first level with the remaining four at second level.

All respondents said that they had incorporated methodologies from the training into their classroom practice. Specific tasks that were modelled had been used in the classrooms by 92% of all respondents. Use of the new progression pathway, which was incorporated into training, was also used by 85% of respondents. All respondents reported increased knowledge and confidence which allowed them to better meet the needs of their learners. They all reported that the training had allowed them to implement practice change which had positively impacted on learners’ attainment.