National Action Enquiry Programme for Educational Psychologists (2016-17)

Published 11/05/2018.  Last updated 19/03/2025
sourceKnowledge and research schoolNumeracy and Mathematics schoolHealth and Wellbeing (HWB) categoryScottish Attainment Challenge

All of the research explores two important areas of the curriculum:

  • Numeracy: child development of numeracy skills, how to teach numeracy, and comparative reviews of the literature to progress our understanding of how children learn mathematical concepts.

  • Health and Wellbeing: an emphasis on growth mind-set​, the measurement of wellbeing and teaching approaches to improve children’s motivation, resilience and confidence.

Read the first set of eight reports.​​​

Research papers

The research is practical and applied in Scottish schools by Scottish teachers:

Aberdeen City: reducing the numeracy attainment gap by building capacity across a learning community using action research to facilitate practitioner enquiry.

Argyll​ and Bute Council EPS research (PDF)

East Ayrshire Council EPS research (PDF)

East​ Dunbartonshire: Closing the poverty related attainment gap: Using Learning Journals to engage parents at the early level, with a particular focus on numeracy

East Renfrewshire Council EPS research (PDF)

Edinburgh Council EPS research (PDF)

Falkirk Council EPS research (PDF)

Fife Council: Closing the numeracy attainment gap through the application of metacognitive strategies in primary education.

Fife Council EPS research - named persons (310 KD)

Glasgow City Council EPS research (376 KD)

Highland Council: Investigating parent perspectives

Inverclyde Council EPS research (738 KD)

Moray: Building teachers knowledge, understanding and skills in aspects of the wellbeing curriculum to track and monitor progress for all.

Perth and Kinross Council EPS research (573 KD)

South Ayrshire: Children and Young people’s mental health difficulties: Young people’s and professionals’ perceptions.

South Lanarkshire Council EPS research (643 KD)

It is our aim that the work started by educational psychology services across Scotland will not end with the summary reports. In fact, almost all of the research initiatives will continue to be developed by educational psychologists in their own services and schools and across other EPS in Scotland. It is an exciting opportunity to learn from one another and to develop a rich evidence base which can be used by Scottish teachers to enhance outcomes for children and young people in Scotland.​

Please get in touch with the authors if you would like more information or want to replicate the approaches used.

Each summary report outlines the research methodology used to investigate research questions generated from rigorous literature reviews of children’s attainment in numeracy and health and wellbeing. A few illustrate how real world research can be used to evaluate outcomes and gather more rigorous evidence.​

A sample of questions posed are:

  • ​What is the most effective method of observing metacognitive strategies in use within the classroom?

  • What do we consider are the pre-requisites for​ the development of metacognitive practice within the classroom to support numeracy development and attainment of those children living in poverty?

  • Will using two Curriculum for Excellence outcomes in health and wellbeing to frame an intervention with teachers, improve their knowledge, understanding and skills?

  • How could a more robust tracking and monitoring system for wellbeing begin to be created to address the attainment gap?

  • What do parents already do to support their child’s numeracy development?

  • How confident are parents at supporting their child’s numeracy development?

  • What influences parental confidence?

  • Is Glasgow Counts an effective way of raising attainment in numeracy?

  • Is Glasgow Counts effective in closing the poverty-related attainment gap in numeracy?

  • Is Glasgow Counts effective in changing teacher and pupil attitudes towards numeracy?

  • Does the ASD Consultation Approach lead to improved health and well-being outcomes for children?

National Action Enquiry Programme for Educational Psychologists (2016-17)

Published 11/05/2018.  Last updated 19/03/2025
sourceKnowledge and research schoolNumeracy and Mathematics schoolHealth and Wellbeing (HWB) categoryScottish Attainment Challenge

All of the research explores two important areas of the curriculum:

  • Numeracy: child development of numeracy skills, how to teach numeracy, and comparative reviews of the literature to progress our understanding of how children learn mathematical concepts.

  • Health and Wellbeing: an emphasis on growth mind-set​, the measurement of wellbeing and teaching approaches to improve children’s motivation, resilience and confidence.

Read the first set of eight reports.​​​

Research papers

The research is practical and applied in Scottish schools by Scottish teachers:

Aberdeen City: reducing the numeracy attainment gap by building capacity across a learning community using action research to facilitate practitioner enquiry.

Argyll​ and Bute Council EPS research (PDF)

East Ayrshire Council EPS research (PDF)

East​ Dunbartonshire: Closing the poverty related attainment gap: Using Learning Journals to engage parents at the early level, with a particular focus on numeracy

East Renfrewshire Council EPS research (PDF)

Edinburgh Council EPS research (PDF)

Falkirk Council EPS research (PDF)

Fife Council: Closing the numeracy attainment gap through the application of metacognitive strategies in primary education.

Fife Council EPS research - named persons (310 KD)

Glasgow City Council EPS research (376 KD)

Highland Council: Investigating parent perspectives

Inverclyde Council EPS research (738 KD)

Moray: Building teachers knowledge, understanding and skills in aspects of the wellbeing curriculum to track and monitor progress for all.

Perth and Kinross Council EPS research (573 KD)

South Ayrshire: Children and Young people’s mental health difficulties: Young people’s and professionals’ perceptions.

South Lanarkshire Council EPS research (643 KD)

It is our aim that the work started by educational psychology services across Scotland will not end with the summary reports. In fact, almost all of the research initiatives will continue to be developed by educational psychologists in their own services and schools and across other EPS in Scotland. It is an exciting opportunity to learn from one another and to develop a rich evidence base which can be used by Scottish teachers to enhance outcomes for children and young people in Scotland.​

Please get in touch with the authors if you would like more information or want to replicate the approaches used.

Each summary report outlines the research methodology used to investigate research questions generated from rigorous literature reviews of children’s attainment in numeracy and health and wellbeing. A few illustrate how real world research can be used to evaluate outcomes and gather more rigorous evidence.​

A sample of questions posed are:

  • ​What is the most effective method of observing metacognitive strategies in use within the classroom?

  • What do we consider are the pre-requisites for​ the development of metacognitive practice within the classroom to support numeracy development and attainment of those children living in poverty?

  • Will using two Curriculum for Excellence outcomes in health and wellbeing to frame an intervention with teachers, improve their knowledge, understanding and skills?

  • How could a more robust tracking and monitoring system for wellbeing begin to be created to address the attainment gap?

  • What do parents already do to support their child’s numeracy development?

  • How confident are parents at supporting their child’s numeracy development?

  • What influences parental confidence?

  • Is Glasgow Counts an effective way of raising attainment in numeracy?

  • Is Glasgow Counts effective in closing the poverty-related attainment gap in numeracy?

  • Is Glasgow Counts effective in changing teacher and pupil attitudes towards numeracy?

  • Does the ASD Consultation Approach lead to improved health and well-being outcomes for children?