Raising Attainment – Improving Life Chances

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourceLearning resources categoryScottish Attainment Challenge

How to use this the Learning and assessment resource to improve practice

The following questions may provide a stimulus for discussion:

  • How well do our questioning strategies enhance the learners’ experience and enable higher-order thinking skills?
  • How well do we enable all children and young people to engage in self- and peer-assessment to improve their learning? How do we know this benefits learning?
  • How effectively are we supporting learners to initiate questions about their own learning and progress?


PDF file: Raising Attainment – Improving Life Chances (2.14 MB)

​Explore the resource

This exemplar, from West Lothian Psychology Service, is a series of information sheets utilised across West Lothian Council aimed at improving life chances through:

  • Effective Questioning
    How questions are fielded by teachers sets the learning climate and enables learners’ thinking to be revised, affirmed and extended in a cost effective way which also supports positive relationships between teachers and learners.


  • Improvement Feedback
    Evidence about the learner’s current level of skill is critical to providing improvement feedback.
  • Peer Tutoring
    ‘Peer Learning builds on individuals’ strengths and mobilises them as active participants in the learning process…they also learn transferable skills in helping, cooperation, listening and communication.’ Topping (2005)
  • Peer Evaluation
    Peer evaluation is an excellent skill which can be developed within the classroom to encourage children and young people to further develop their critical thinking skills.
  • Metacognition
    Learners’ beliefs about learning and their capacity to learn are essential to motivation.
  • Self-regulated Learning
    Supporting learners to review learning.


Raising Attainment – Improving Life Chances

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourceLearning resources categoryScottish Attainment Challenge

How to use this the Learning and assessment resource to improve practice

The following questions may provide a stimulus for discussion:

  • How well do our questioning strategies enhance the learners’ experience and enable higher-order thinking skills?
  • How well do we enable all children and young people to engage in self- and peer-assessment to improve their learning? How do we know this benefits learning?
  • How effectively are we supporting learners to initiate questions about their own learning and progress?


PDF file: Raising Attainment – Improving Life Chances (2.14 MB)

​Explore the resource

This exemplar, from West Lothian Psychology Service, is a series of information sheets utilised across West Lothian Council aimed at improving life chances through:

  • Effective Questioning
    How questions are fielded by teachers sets the learning climate and enables learners’ thinking to be revised, affirmed and extended in a cost effective way which also supports positive relationships between teachers and learners.


  • Improvement Feedback
    Evidence about the learner’s current level of skill is critical to providing improvement feedback.
  • Peer Tutoring
    ‘Peer Learning builds on individuals’ strengths and mobilises them as active participants in the learning process…they also learn transferable skills in helping, cooperation, listening and communication.’ Topping (2005)
  • Peer Evaluation
    Peer evaluation is an excellent skill which can be developed within the classroom to encourage children and young people to further develop their critical thinking skills.
  • Metacognition
    Learners’ beliefs about learning and their capacity to learn are essential to motivation.
  • Self-regulated Learning
    Supporting learners to review learning.