Self-reflection questions for promoting attendance

Published 19/03/2024.  Last updated 28/08/2024
sourceSelf-evaluation categoryInclusion Wellbeing and Equality


Absence from school, whatever the cause, disrupts learning.

All children and young people should have the opportunity to be included, engaged and involved in their learning and to participate fully in the life of their school.

Scottish Governments’ guidance on attendance recognises that the foundation for schools, learning establishments and education authorities is a focus on positive relationships and an inclusive ethos and culture that promotes good attendance.

This resource, co-produced by Scottish Government and Education Scotland, provides self-reflection questions for schools to further explore and implement practices that will encourage good attendance.


Promoting Attendance: Self-reflection questions for educational settings (1.7 MB)

Improvement questions

  1. Do our policies and practices promote and explicitly value good attendance (with pupils, parents, and partners)?
  2. Is our approach to promoting attendance inclusive and address equity issues?
  3. How can partnership working with parents, community and family learning, and other partners, be developed further to increase attendance and manage absence?



Self-reflection questions for promoting attendance

Published 19/03/2024.  Last updated 28/08/2024
sourceSelf-evaluation categoryInclusion Wellbeing and Equality


Absence from school, whatever the cause, disrupts learning.

All children and young people should have the opportunity to be included, engaged and involved in their learning and to participate fully in the life of their school.

Scottish Governments’ guidance on attendance recognises that the foundation for schools, learning establishments and education authorities is a focus on positive relationships and an inclusive ethos and culture that promotes good attendance.

This resource, co-produced by Scottish Government and Education Scotland, provides self-reflection questions for schools to further explore and implement practices that will encourage good attendance.


Promoting Attendance: Self-reflection questions for educational settings (1.7 MB)

Improvement questions

  1. Do our policies and practices promote and explicitly value good attendance (with pupils, parents, and partners)?
  2. Is our approach to promoting attendance inclusive and address equity issues?
  3. How can partnership working with parents, community and family learning, and other partners, be developed further to increase attendance and manage absence?