Sepsis – teacher resource and supporting materials
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to an infection causes it to attack its own tissues and organs. In sepsis, the patient’s immune system goes into overdrive setting off a series of reactions including widespread inflammation. This can cause a significant decrease in blood pressure reducing the blood supply to vital organs and starving them of oxygen. Sepsis can lead to multiple organ failure and death, especially if not recognised early and treated quickly.
How to use this resource
The SEPS_IS ACTIVITY PACK comes with an article for pupils to better understand sepsis and how it affects the body, how it’s diagnosed and treated. Different options are available for teachers to use the article for group activities. Accompanying posters can be displayed or used as discussion stimuli.
PDF file: Sepsis - Teacher resource (3.1 MB)
PDF file: Sepsis - Pupil resource (3.2 MB)
PDF file: Sepsis Poster - What is Sepsis (679 KB)