Supporting children with effective strategies in Gaelic Medium Education

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 17/03/2025
sourceLearning resources groupsAdditional Support Needs (ASN) categoryGaelic

This resource is based on a summary of a presentation delivered by Dr Fiona Lyon.

Explore the resource

PDF file: Improving Practice in Gaelic Education - Effective interventions to raise attainment (722 KB)

Reflective questions

The following questions may provide a stimulus for discussion:

  • How do you differentiate for learning in GME within your classroom? What range of strategies do you use?
  • How do you meet the learning needs of children from areas of the highest social and economic disadvantage within your class or school?
  • How effective is your evidencing of progress for children and young people in literacy and Gàidhlig?
  • How well is the curriculum for GME improving attainment?
  • How well does the information that is gathered from assessment inform our planning and adjustments to the curriculum?
  • What is the impact of monitoring and tracking of progress and what interventions are being put in place to support children and young people?

Additional resources

e-Sgoil can support children and young people who require short- and long-term interventions to support their learning of and through Gaelic. This includes dyslexia. An initial enquiry can be made via email.

Helping parents to participate in their children's Gaelic learning through Gaelic for parents.

STaG Resources by Lumberjack Digital has tools for speech therapists, teachers and parents to support children who speak Gaelic or are learning through the medium of Gaelic.

Sgrùdadh air Feuman Taic a Bharrachd ann am Foghlam Tron Ghàidhlig / Audit on Additional Support Needs in Gaelic Medium Education

Supporting children with effective strategies in Gaelic Medium Education

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 17/03/2025
sourceLearning resources groupsAdditional Support Needs (ASN) categoryGaelic

This resource is based on a summary of a presentation delivered by Dr Fiona Lyon.

Explore the resource

PDF file: Improving Practice in Gaelic Education - Effective interventions to raise attainment (722 KB)

Reflective questions

The following questions may provide a stimulus for discussion:

  • How do you differentiate for learning in GME within your classroom? What range of strategies do you use?
  • How do you meet the learning needs of children from areas of the highest social and economic disadvantage within your class or school?
  • How effective is your evidencing of progress for children and young people in literacy and Gàidhlig?
  • How well is the curriculum for GME improving attainment?
  • How well does the information that is gathered from assessment inform our planning and adjustments to the curriculum?
  • What is the impact of monitoring and tracking of progress and what interventions are being put in place to support children and young people?

Additional resources

e-Sgoil can support children and young people who require short- and long-term interventions to support their learning of and through Gaelic. This includes dyslexia. An initial enquiry can be made via email.

Helping parents to participate in their children's Gaelic learning through Gaelic for parents.

STaG Resources by Lumberjack Digital has tools for speech therapists, teachers and parents to support children who speak Gaelic or are learning through the medium of Gaelic.

Sgrùdadh air Feuman Taic a Bharrachd ann am Foghlam Tron Ghàidhlig / Audit on Additional Support Needs in Gaelic Medium Education