Sharing inspection evidence on Gaelic Medium Education - secondary curriculum

Published 24/01/2022.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourcePractice exemplars categoryGaelic

This resource is based on the sharing scrutiny evidence session that took place at SLF online 2021, which falls into two parts. The recording can be viewed below.

In the first part: young people at Portree High School, The Highland Council are empowered to share effective practice on their curriculum. This is based on Her Majesty’s inspection findings and progress since the original inspection. Young people had ownership of all aspects of producing this short film, which also demonstrates quality outcomes from their curriculum.

In the second part: (from timeframe 23.33 onwards) the digital platform e-Sgoil and HM Inspectors discuss building back better from the COVID-19 pandemic.

See the Gaelic version of this page.

Explore this Resource

This resource has the following objectives:

  • Share how curriculum makers encourage the role of partners and young people in supporting the Gaelic Medium curriculum at Portree High School.
  • Acknowledge how the system collaborated to support Gaelic Education during remote learning.
  • Exemplify how young people may be supported in recovery education.
  • Encourage building back stronger from the pandemic, whilst recognising how technology can assist in meeting this objective.

Challenge questions

  • What features of effective practice resonate with you from this short film and how can these impact on your curriculum?
  • What is effective, forward-thinking assessment of young people’s skills and achievements in Gaelic Medium Education?
  • Have another look at Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework. Re-assess how it can be used to recognise the skills, knowledge and understanding of young people in Gaelic Medium Education.

How do you realise the ambition of the three take-aways presented in this video?

  • Take-away one: Keep collaborating on the curriculum to promote equity, inclusion, and personalised pathways to build learning in Gaelic around the young person.
  • Take-away two: Normalise the use of technology for delivering the curriculum in Gaelic Medium Education.
  • Take-away three: Unpack further the full opportunities that Curriculum for Excellence affords. This will require a deep look at building young people’s confidence in taking qualifications and awards through Gaelic. For this, it is very important to contextualise to and for Gaelic the Audit Scotland report “Improving outcomes for young people through school education” (March 2021); and implement the curriculum and assessment recommendations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Review.



PDF file: Sharing scrutiny evidence on GME (1.13 MB)

Sharing inspection evidence on Gaelic Medium Education - secondary curriculum

Published 24/01/2022.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourcePractice exemplars categoryGaelic

This resource is based on the sharing scrutiny evidence session that took place at SLF online 2021, which falls into two parts. The recording can be viewed below.

In the first part: young people at Portree High School, The Highland Council are empowered to share effective practice on their curriculum. This is based on Her Majesty’s inspection findings and progress since the original inspection. Young people had ownership of all aspects of producing this short film, which also demonstrates quality outcomes from their curriculum.

In the second part: (from timeframe 23.33 onwards) the digital platform e-Sgoil and HM Inspectors discuss building back better from the COVID-19 pandemic.

See the Gaelic version of this page.

Explore this Resource

This resource has the following objectives:

  • Share how curriculum makers encourage the role of partners and young people in supporting the Gaelic Medium curriculum at Portree High School.
  • Acknowledge how the system collaborated to support Gaelic Education during remote learning.
  • Exemplify how young people may be supported in recovery education.
  • Encourage building back stronger from the pandemic, whilst recognising how technology can assist in meeting this objective.

Challenge questions

  • What features of effective practice resonate with you from this short film and how can these impact on your curriculum?
  • What is effective, forward-thinking assessment of young people’s skills and achievements in Gaelic Medium Education?
  • Have another look at Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework. Re-assess how it can be used to recognise the skills, knowledge and understanding of young people in Gaelic Medium Education.

How do you realise the ambition of the three take-aways presented in this video?

  • Take-away one: Keep collaborating on the curriculum to promote equity, inclusion, and personalised pathways to build learning in Gaelic around the young person.
  • Take-away two: Normalise the use of technology for delivering the curriculum in Gaelic Medium Education.
  • Take-away three: Unpack further the full opportunities that Curriculum for Excellence affords. This will require a deep look at building young people’s confidence in taking qualifications and awards through Gaelic. For this, it is very important to contextualise to and for Gaelic the Audit Scotland report “Improving outcomes for young people through school education” (March 2021); and implement the curriculum and assessment recommendations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Review.



PDF file: Sharing scrutiny evidence on GME (1.13 MB)