Food in schools across Scotland: Videos

Published 14/12/2021.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourceSelf-evaluation schoolHealth and Wellbeing (HWB)

'Food in schools across Scotland' is a digital framework for everyone involved in food provision and food as a context for learning in schools across Scotland. It requires education and catering staff to work together using relevant, high-quality evidence to assess and understand what is working well and identify areas in need of improvement.

How to use this resource

In the video clips Gerry Donachie, Facilities Service Manager from South Lanarkshire Council and Emma McFarlane, HMI, Education Scotland, join Lesley Kirkwood and Shirley Beattie, Health and Nutrition Inspectors, Education Scotland, to discuss the framework and how it can be used to support improvement. Each clip may be used as a helpful introduction for individuals or as a stimulus for staff group discussion.

Improvement questions

  • Is a clear, effective, strategic approach to food in school in place to ensure joined-up working involving key stakeholders? How is this developing? What is the impact of this approach?
  • How well do food provision and practice across the school day, and food as a context for learning, present consistent messages to children and young people? What evidence supports our view?
  • How well does evidence demonstrate a joined-up approach and support collaborative practice as a way of working which leads to improvement?


Explaining the framework

Gerry and Lesley discuss what the framework includes and consider how it might be used.

Working in collaboration

Emma and Gerry discuss how school staff, children, young people and stakeholders can all contribute to improving the quality of food provision, food as a context for learning and the food experience at school.

Whole school approach

Gerry, Emma and Lesley explain the importance of a whole school approach to ensuring consistent messaging across all aspects of school life.

Looking forward what next for food in schools?

Emma and Gerry consider the future for food in school.


PDF file: Food in Schools sketchnote: Connections (1.4 MB)

PDF file: Food in Schools sketchnote: Contributions (1.2 MB)

Food in schools across Scotland: Videos

Published 14/12/2021.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourceSelf-evaluation schoolHealth and Wellbeing (HWB)

'Food in schools across Scotland' is a digital framework for everyone involved in food provision and food as a context for learning in schools across Scotland. It requires education and catering staff to work together using relevant, high-quality evidence to assess and understand what is working well and identify areas in need of improvement.

How to use this resource

In the video clips Gerry Donachie, Facilities Service Manager from South Lanarkshire Council and Emma McFarlane, HMI, Education Scotland, join Lesley Kirkwood and Shirley Beattie, Health and Nutrition Inspectors, Education Scotland, to discuss the framework and how it can be used to support improvement. Each clip may be used as a helpful introduction for individuals or as a stimulus for staff group discussion.

Improvement questions

  • Is a clear, effective, strategic approach to food in school in place to ensure joined-up working involving key stakeholders? How is this developing? What is the impact of this approach?
  • How well do food provision and practice across the school day, and food as a context for learning, present consistent messages to children and young people? What evidence supports our view?
  • How well does evidence demonstrate a joined-up approach and support collaborative practice as a way of working which leads to improvement?


Explaining the framework

Gerry and Lesley discuss what the framework includes and consider how it might be used.

Working in collaboration

Emma and Gerry discuss how school staff, children, young people and stakeholders can all contribute to improving the quality of food provision, food as a context for learning and the food experience at school.

Whole school approach

Gerry, Emma and Lesley explain the importance of a whole school approach to ensuring consistent messaging across all aspects of school life.

Looking forward what next for food in schools?

Emma and Gerry consider the future for food in school.


PDF file: Food in Schools sketchnote: Connections (1.4 MB)

PDF file: Food in Schools sketchnote: Contributions (1.2 MB)