5.1 Vision, culture and direction

Published 22/10/2021.  Last updated 27/10/2023

Leadership and Direction tile highlightThemes:

  • Vision, values and aims
  • Culture, ethos and equity
  • Leading and delivering change

Level 5 illustration:

Vision, values and aims

Our vision, values and aims are clearly outlined, ambitious, and in line with local, regional and national priorities. These form a clear and coherent part of the wider community planning vision. They are informed by the social, economic and cultural context of our communities. Learners, communities, volunteers and staff play an important role in their development. Visions, values and aims are revisited regularly to ensure they continue to meet changing and emerging needs. They are communicated well and inform a shared sense of direction for CLD. They are underpinned by the values of self-determination, inclusion, empowerment, working collaboratively and the promotion of learning as a lifelong activity.

Culture, ethos and equity

We have a strong culture of empowerment, continuous improvement and innovation. Our vision, values, aims and objectives promote equality, diversity and inclusion. They support stakeholders to challenge prejudice. They demonstrate a shared ethos and commitment to achieve the highest possible standards. We have a shared understanding of our ambition to increase equity so all communities and learners can succeed. We promote success for almost all learners and communities regardless of their economic, social or cultural backgrounds. Effective leadership at all levels supports staff, partners, learners and communities to feel valued, be innovative and work together well to achieve the positive outcomes set out in our vision.

Leading and delivering change

Our leaders are forward and outward-looking. We respond and plan well to challenges and opportunities. We manage the planning, delivery and pace of change, including rapid and unexpected change effectively. Change processes almost always take account of and balance needs, risks and opportunities very well. Leaders utilise a range of methods to communicate well with learners, communities, volunteers, staff and wider stakeholders in regard to leading and driving change. Staff at all levels and volunteers take increasing responsibility for implementing and driving change. At all levels we are empowered to be innovative and take informed and managed risks in response to change. We have clear and effective processes in place to monitor the delivery and impact of change and adjust provision to meet the needs of learners and communities.

Challenge questions:

  1. How ambitious and challenging are our vision, values and aims?
  2. Are our vision, values, aims and objectives clear and consistent with local, regional and national priorities? Do they align with wider community planning priorities?
  3. How well are our vision, values, aims and objectives shaped by the social, economic and cultural context in our communities and by the lives of the people we work with?
  4. How successfully do our vision, values and aims support us to promote equality, diversity and inclusion?
  5. How well do we develop, deliver and sustain a strong culture of empowerment, improvement and innovation?
  6. How well have we developed a shared ethos that is committing us to achieve the highest possible standards? Does our shared ethos enable success for almost all learners and communities regardless of their economic, social or cultural backgrounds?
  7. How effectively do we support staff, volunteers, partners and communities to feel valued and work together to achieve the positive outcomes set out in our vision?
  8. How effectively do we lead our organisation through planned or unexpected change?
  9. How well do we engage staff, volunteers and partners at all levels to anticipate and plan for change?
  10. How effective are we in identifying and responding to new and emerging needs?

5.1 Vision, culture and direction

Published 22/10/2021.  Last updated 27/10/2023

Leadership and Direction tile highlightThemes:

  • Vision, values and aims
  • Culture, ethos and equity
  • Leading and delivering change

Level 5 illustration:

Vision, values and aims

Our vision, values and aims are clearly outlined, ambitious, and in line with local, regional and national priorities. These form a clear and coherent part of the wider community planning vision. They are informed by the social, economic and cultural context of our communities. Learners, communities, volunteers and staff play an important role in their development. Visions, values and aims are revisited regularly to ensure they continue to meet changing and emerging needs. They are communicated well and inform a shared sense of direction for CLD. They are underpinned by the values of self-determination, inclusion, empowerment, working collaboratively and the promotion of learning as a lifelong activity.

Culture, ethos and equity

We have a strong culture of empowerment, continuous improvement and innovation. Our vision, values, aims and objectives promote equality, diversity and inclusion. They support stakeholders to challenge prejudice. They demonstrate a shared ethos and commitment to achieve the highest possible standards. We have a shared understanding of our ambition to increase equity so all communities and learners can succeed. We promote success for almost all learners and communities regardless of their economic, social or cultural backgrounds. Effective leadership at all levels supports staff, partners, learners and communities to feel valued, be innovative and work together well to achieve the positive outcomes set out in our vision.

Leading and delivering change

Our leaders are forward and outward-looking. We respond and plan well to challenges and opportunities. We manage the planning, delivery and pace of change, including rapid and unexpected change effectively. Change processes almost always take account of and balance needs, risks and opportunities very well. Leaders utilise a range of methods to communicate well with learners, communities, volunteers, staff and wider stakeholders in regard to leading and driving change. Staff at all levels and volunteers take increasing responsibility for implementing and driving change. At all levels we are empowered to be innovative and take informed and managed risks in response to change. We have clear and effective processes in place to monitor the delivery and impact of change and adjust provision to meet the needs of learners and communities.

Challenge questions:

  1. How ambitious and challenging are our vision, values and aims?
  2. Are our vision, values, aims and objectives clear and consistent with local, regional and national priorities? Do they align with wider community planning priorities?
  3. How well are our vision, values, aims and objectives shaped by the social, economic and cultural context in our communities and by the lives of the people we work with?
  4. How successfully do our vision, values and aims support us to promote equality, diversity and inclusion?
  5. How well do we develop, deliver and sustain a strong culture of empowerment, improvement and innovation?
  6. How well have we developed a shared ethos that is committing us to achieve the highest possible standards? Does our shared ethos enable success for almost all learners and communities regardless of their economic, social or cultural backgrounds?
  7. How effectively do we support staff, volunteers, partners and communities to feel valued and work together to achieve the positive outcomes set out in our vision?
  8. How effectively do we lead our organisation through planned or unexpected change?
  9. How well do we engage staff, volunteers and partners at all levels to anticipate and plan for change?
  10. How effective are we in identifying and responding to new and emerging needs?