Inclusion, wellbeing and equalities framework

About this framework

The Inclusion, Wellbeing and Equalities Professional Learning Framework supports anyone working with children and young people in an educational context. It can also support those who work with adult learners, parents, carers, families and in community learning contexts.

This professional learning framework:

  • simplifies the professional learning landscape for inclusion, wellbeing and equalities

  • supports capacity building and a common understanding, language and skills for all educators

  • provides up to date information which can be adapted to suit the local context

  • support individual educators to plan their own professional learning

Local authorities will be able to incorporate the professional framework into their own professional learning programmes.

Welcome video

Video transcript (52 kb)

The framework provides professional learning resources which focus on four interconnected and interdependent themes:


The inclusion theme includes:

  • inclusive practice and Scottish context

  • additional support needs (ASN), including complex needs

  • the additional support for learning (ASL) process

  • entitlements to support

Rights and equalities

The rights and equalities theme includes:


The relationships theme includes:

  • expectations and consequences

  • co-regulation

  • de-escalation

  • attunement

  • active listening

Wellbeing and Care

The wellbeing and care theme includes:

The framework supports the staged levels of intervention. It enhances universal and targeted approaches to supporting all children and young people.

It can also support those who work with adult learners, parents, carers, families and in community learning contexts. The context of the educational setting will determine how and when this professional learning is used.

Depending on your context and setting, there are different ways you could use the framework resources, for example:

  • facilitated professional learning

  • collaborative professional learning

  • self-directed professional learning

The resources within the framework can also be used with a combination of the above approaches.

For example:

  1. Teams may focus on one of the four themes, use development time to access activities and resources and then discuss at an in-service day.

  2. Individuals and teams can use the activities and resources in this level to ensure a consistent understanding of supporting the strengths and needs of all children and young people which is relevant to their context

The inclusion, wellbeing and equalities professional learning framework provides national and incremental professional learning. This framework will:

  • build capacity (focusing on knowledge and practice) within the education system

  • create common understanding, language and skills at all levels of the system

  • support common professional values

  • be responsive to societal and national developments

  • be engaging in its multimodal and flexible application supporting personalised individual pathways and whole-team and whole-setting approaches to professional learning

Who is this framework for?

The Inclusion, Wellbeing and Equalities Professional Learning Framework is for all practitioners who
work with children and young people. This includes:

  • early learning and childcare

  • schools

  • community Learning and youth work

  • third sector and social work

It can also be used by those who work with adult learners, parents, carers and families.

What is included

A set of resources can include:

  • downloadable PowerPoint presentations

  • podcasts

  • ThingLink resources

  • information Sheets

Please let us know if you prefer a certain type of resource. This will support our review of the framework.

How to use the resources

Depending on your context and setting, there are different ways you could use the framework

Facilitated Professional Learning

Resources with downloadable PowerPoint slides allow you to use the framework to facilitate the professional learning of others. For example, at an in-service day or as part of a department’s professional development time.

Anyone who works in an educational setting can be a facilitator and use the slides to facilitate the
professional learning of others.

Facilitator notes are provided for all slides in the notes section of each slide and as a separate
Word document.

Please do not remove or change any of the slides provided.

Facilitators are welcome to add slides
or activities relevant to their own settings, to support discussion and exploration of the topic.
Facilitators will know their audience’s needs best.
For reflection or discussion activities, it is important to establish a safe space which encourages
respect and honesty to ensure that everyone can participate.

Collaborative Professional Learning

Find a group of practitioners to look at the framework with you. Identify which resources you would
like to learn from. Once you have completed the resources as self-directed professional learning
(described below), get together to discuss what you have learned and how this might impact your
practice. Referring to your reflective journal and any information sheets can support the discussion.

Self-Directed Professional Learning

Have a look at the four themes and identify which areas you would like to develop.
Complete resources at your own pace, whether it is looking at PowerPoint slides and their notes,
listening to a podcast or exploring a Thinglink.
Reflective Journal
Recommend using a reflective journal or a learning log to record which resources you completed and
how the learning might impact your practice. This can also be used for your GTCS Professional
Review and Update or any equivalent professional review and development as appropriate.
Information Sheets
Some sets of resources include Information Sheets that summarise the key information to take away
from the learning. Downloading and/or printing these documents can be a useful reminder of the

Combination of all the above approaches

The resources can also be used with a combination of the above approaches. For example, you may
want to introduce a theme, give staff development time to access ThingLink, listen to Podcast as a
group, and then discuss at an in-service day.

Feedback form

We are keen to know what you thought of the resources within our professional learning framework
and would appreciate it if you would complete our short feedback form.

Your feedback will help us to improve upon these resources in the future. The survey will take
approximately 10 minutes to complete.