International Blether: shining a light on middle leadership

30 November 2021 

Middle Leaders are an integral part of the school environment, from managing relationships to implementing change. Middle leaders can hold both formal and informal positions, but it may not be possible to produce a one size fits all model of middle leadership, so who are middle leaders and how did they get there?

Join our International Blether and hear from six middle leaders from across Ireland, Scotland and Wales as they share their thoughts, experiences, the challenges of their roles and insights on how they became middle leaders. This International Blether event is designed for all educational practitioners regardless of career stage or setting.

A Tri Nations Collaboration between the Centre of School Leadership, Ireland, Education Scotland and the National Academy for Educational Leadership Wales.

International Blether: shining a light on middle leadership

30 November 2021 

Middle Leaders are an integral part of the school environment, from managing relationships to implementing change. Middle leaders can hold both formal and informal positions, but it may not be possible to produce a one size fits all model of middle leadership, so who are middle leaders and how did they get there?

Join our International Blether and hear from six middle leaders from across Ireland, Scotland and Wales as they share their thoughts, experiences, the challenges of their roles and insights on how they became middle leaders. This International Blether event is designed for all educational practitioners regardless of career stage or setting.

A Tri Nations Collaboration between the Centre of School Leadership, Ireland, Education Scotland and the National Academy for Educational Leadership Wales.


David Burgess

About the author

David joined Education Scotland in August 2018 as a Lead Specialist with responsibility for middle leadership. He is now Head of Professional Learning and Leadership.