The How of Change: Facilitated learning for strategic leadership

Published 03/07/2024.  Last updated 13/08/2024

Leading change can be complex and challenging. This offer of professional learning for headteachers and those who hold the GTCS Professional Standard for Headship is aimed at participants who want to further develop their knowledge and skills to effectively lead the ‘how’ of change within their settings. Through facilitated learning, participants will be able to network with other leaders from across Scotland to explore key conventions of leading change, informed by practical leadership experience and research-based thinking. 

The influence of a school leader in leading change and improvement cannot be underestimated. Research has highlighted that successful change leaders not only articulate the 'what' of change but are also well versed in the thinking behind the 'why'. Strategic change necessitates intentional direction, and successful leaders are crucial in navigating the process from start to finish; they are able to lead the 'how' of change. Through co-designing this new offer with school and system leaders, these messages resonate with their experiences of leading change. 

‘The How of Change’ is a working title and this new offer builds on, and replaces, the Excellence in Headship programme.  

For general enquiries you can email 

We will also post regular updates on social media platforms and you can follow us @EdScotPLL and @EducationScot.  

The How of Change programme will provide leadership learning opportunities in a range of formats, in-person, online and self-directed (in development) through a network learning system approach around the following organisers:

  • Knowing your wisdom and learning needs
  • Making sense of the big ideas
  • Understanding your learning community and context
  • Being clear on practical approaches
  • Using meaningful networks

Each session will explore the organiser in question and provide time and space for participants to consider a series of related core provocations as catalysts for conversation, fostering the ability to share lived experience, examples of practical implementation and consider theory and associated research.

The programme session structure will offer flexibility for leaders to select the change organisers that they feel are most important or relevant to support their leadership context. Participants will be able to choose to engage with some or all of the organisers in each academic year.

The programme is designed to support all headteachers and those who hold the GTCS Standard for Headship. There are no minimum number of years in role required to participate.

The core time commitment for the How of Change will be one half day for each in-person or online session. If attending all five sessions, this would total 15 hours over the course of an academic year.

As the Professional Learning and Leadership Team is currently funded by Scottish Government to develop a suite of leadership programmes, participation in the programme is free of charge, however there is no funding for any staff cover costs or travel.

For in-person learning sessions we are required to book venues and catering in advance so by signing up you are signing a social contract that communicates your intention to attend. We recognise there may be exceptional circumstances that prevent your attendance. In this instance we would ask that you inform us at the earliest opportunity to allow for your place to go to another school leader.

You will be able to apply for the programme if you are currently employed in a school in Scotland as a headteacher or as a practitioner or leader who holds the GTCS Standard for Headship.

Registration for 2024-25 will open in the new academic year, but please complete this short form if you’d like us to stay in touch and we will let you know when the registration reopens.

As well as being able to engage in this programme, new headteachers also have the option of applying for In Headship. In Headship is a postgraduate programme for headteachers early in post which supports them to develop and continue to build the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding required of headteachers. You can find out more about In Headship.

Is there a qualification for completion of the programme?

The How of Change is designed to support and facilitate experiential learning and is not mapped to a particular level of the Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework. There is no formal qualification awarded for engaging in the programme. However, you will receive a certificate of participation outlining the hours of CLPL that you have engaged in for your record.

How will my learning be evaluated?

Evaluation activities are built into the programme and you are encouraged to complete these. It is important that we receive evaluations to help us continually improve all aspects of the programme. You will also be encouraged to create and maintain a learning plan linked to your work on professional update.

The How of Change: Facilitated learning for strategic leadership

Published 03/07/2024.  Last updated 13/08/2024

Leading change can be complex and challenging. This offer of professional learning for headteachers and those who hold the GTCS Professional Standard for Headship is aimed at participants who want to further develop their knowledge and skills to effectively lead the ‘how’ of change within their settings. Through facilitated learning, participants will be able to network with other leaders from across Scotland to explore key conventions of leading change, informed by practical leadership experience and research-based thinking. 

The influence of a school leader in leading change and improvement cannot be underestimated. Research has highlighted that successful change leaders not only articulate the 'what' of change but are also well versed in the thinking behind the 'why'. Strategic change necessitates intentional direction, and successful leaders are crucial in navigating the process from start to finish; they are able to lead the 'how' of change. Through co-designing this new offer with school and system leaders, these messages resonate with their experiences of leading change. 

‘The How of Change’ is a working title and this new offer builds on, and replaces, the Excellence in Headship programme.  

For general enquiries you can email 

We will also post regular updates on social media platforms and you can follow us @EdScotPLL and @EducationScot.  

The How of Change programme will provide leadership learning opportunities in a range of formats, in-person, online and self-directed (in development) through a network learning system approach around the following organisers:

  • Knowing your wisdom and learning needs
  • Making sense of the big ideas
  • Understanding your learning community and context
  • Being clear on practical approaches
  • Using meaningful networks

Each session will explore the organiser in question and provide time and space for participants to consider a series of related core provocations as catalysts for conversation, fostering the ability to share lived experience, examples of practical implementation and consider theory and associated research.

The programme session structure will offer flexibility for leaders to select the change organisers that they feel are most important or relevant to support their leadership context. Participants will be able to choose to engage with some or all of the organisers in each academic year.

The programme is designed to support all headteachers and those who hold the GTCS Standard for Headship. There are no minimum number of years in role required to participate.

The core time commitment for the How of Change will be one half day for each in-person or online session. If attending all five sessions, this would total 15 hours over the course of an academic year.

As the Professional Learning and Leadership Team is currently funded by Scottish Government to develop a suite of leadership programmes, participation in the programme is free of charge, however there is no funding for any staff cover costs or travel.

For in-person learning sessions we are required to book venues and catering in advance so by signing up you are signing a social contract that communicates your intention to attend. We recognise there may be exceptional circumstances that prevent your attendance. In this instance we would ask that you inform us at the earliest opportunity to allow for your place to go to another school leader.

You will be able to apply for the programme if you are currently employed in a school in Scotland as a headteacher or as a practitioner or leader who holds the GTCS Standard for Headship.

Registration for 2024-25 will open in the new academic year, but please complete this short form if you’d like us to stay in touch and we will let you know when the registration reopens.

As well as being able to engage in this programme, new headteachers also have the option of applying for In Headship. In Headship is a postgraduate programme for headteachers early in post which supports them to develop and continue to build the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding required of headteachers. You can find out more about In Headship.

Is there a qualification for completion of the programme?

The How of Change is designed to support and facilitate experiential learning and is not mapped to a particular level of the Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework. There is no formal qualification awarded for engaging in the programme. However, you will receive a certificate of participation outlining the hours of CLPL that you have engaged in for your record.

How will my learning be evaluated?

Evaluation activities are built into the programme and you are encouraged to complete these. It is important that we receive evaluations to help us continually improve all aspects of the programme. You will also be encouraged to create and maintain a learning plan linked to your work on professional update.