Middle Leaders Leading Change: Programme completion

Programme completion

Thank you for engaging with the Middle Leaders Leading Change programme. We hope that you have found the learning supportive in your role. To support future development of this offer we would be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete our programme evaluation. We would also be grateful if you would complete our Equality and Diversity Monitoring form.

MLLC Change Initiative template

If you would like to receive a certificate of completion for this programme, please complete the MLLC Change Initiative template and name it using the format:

‘MLLC First Name Second Name Month Year’, e.g., ‘MLLC Jane Smith June 2025’ where the date is the date of submission, and send it to PLsubmissions@educationscotland.gov.scot

Your template will be reviewed by a member of our team to ensure it demonstrates your learning from all aspects of the MLLC programme. There is no word count for your template, but as a guide it should be around one side of A4 in total.

You should hear back from us within eight weeks of submission. If you have not had a response within that time, please contact us at edspll@educationscotland.gov.scot

Sharing the Learning event

We also offer an annual Middle Leadership Sharing the Learning event which you are welcome to attend in order to share and discuss your learning with colleagues.

Middle Leadership Sharing the Learning Event (MS Teams)

Wednesday 21 May 2025 1300-1600: Sign up here.