A self-evaluation guide for school/college partnerships

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 07/01/2025

​This self-evaluation guide has been created to assist quality enhancement as part of the ongoing analysis of partnerships between schools and colleges. It is hoped that this will strengthen working relationships and planning and delivery structures, improve and diversify programmes on offer, and increase recruitment, retention, achievement and progression.

How to use this tool

This guide may be used for planning with schools and colleges in tandem, or in conjunction with other stakeholders as part of a comprehensive plan. You may wish to focus on a particular section of the plan to drive improvement in a specific area, or to use the entire guide as part of an overall review.


Word file: A Self-Evaluation Guide for School/College Partnerships (151 KB)

A self-evaluation guide for school/college partnerships

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 07/01/2025

​This self-evaluation guide has been created to assist quality enhancement as part of the ongoing analysis of partnerships between schools and colleges. It is hoped that this will strengthen working relationships and planning and delivery structures, improve and diversify programmes on offer, and increase recruitment, retention, achievement and progression.

How to use this tool

This guide may be used for planning with schools and colleges in tandem, or in conjunction with other stakeholders as part of a comprehensive plan. You may wish to focus on a particular section of the plan to drive improvement in a specific area, or to use the entire guide as part of an overall review.


Word file: A Self-Evaluation Guide for School/College Partnerships (151 KB)