Ask Us, Hear Us, Include Us
The Young Ambassadors for Inclusion are young people with additional support needs who have been nominated by their local authority to join a network which provides an opportunity for them to share their views and experiences of Scottish education. A total of 26 local authorities have been represented since the network began.
Through discussion and activities, the Young Ambassadors have identified the ways they feel schools are doing well in their provision of inclusive education and also where improvements could be made.
The Young Ambassadors were keen to share their views on what works in inclusive education. They decided to create a film which could allow their views to be heard and help staff understand how to support young people with additional support needs.
How to use this resource
Video resource
The Ask Us, Hear Us, Include Us video looks at what works and what could be improved in relation to inclusion in education.
PowerPoint slides
The Ask Us, Hear Us, Include Us professional learning resource (PPT) explores the film further and looks at five themes identified by the Young Ambassadors as important for inclusion:
- friendship
- belonging
- awareness of additional support needs
- positive attitudes
- asking for help and support
Professional learning guide
The Ask Us, Hear Us, Include Us professional learning guide (PDF) explains how the PowerPoint slides and film can be used to promote professional learning, and an inclusion pledge is described to which schools can sign up.
Improvement questions
- How does your school currently seek the views of children and young people with additional support needs?
- How included do the children and young people currently feel in your establishment?
- Based on the Young Ambassador’s ideas, how could your school become more inclusive?
- Is your school community ready to sign the inclusion pledge?