Better Movers and Thinkers - progression videos

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourceLearning resources schoolHealth and Wellbeing (HWB)

​This resource is a series of 6 short videos, that demonstrate how the Better Movers and Thinkers (BMT) approach to learning and teaching in physical education can be used to develop the significant aspects of learning, within the context of a specific activity. The videos make use of the BMT scaffolding practices to help the learners achieve.​

The videos may also be used for moderation to increase practitioners’ confidence in assessing progress in physical education.

How to use this resource

Staff using the resource can view the different video clips, along with the explanatory notes that appear with the clips, to help with their understanding of how to develop lesson content to help the learners achieve success in their learning.

  • What are the key links between the various stages of the progressions that are demonstrated?
  • In what ways could you differentiate the material that is demonstrated to meet the needs of your learners?
  • Through moderation activity, what might the next steps be in order for the learners to progress?
    In what ways might the progressions that are used be improved?

​Explore this resource

There are 6 videos in this section. Each demonstrates a possible progression from the starting point of an identified scaffolding practice. Each of the videos is supported by a PDF file which provides the lesson plan used in the video.


Ball skills






PDF file: BMT progression videos - Gymnastics (54 KB)

PDF file: BMT progression videos - Ball skills (54 KB)

PDF file: BMT progression videos - Dance (52 KB)

PDF file: BMT progression videos - Badminton (52 KB)

PDF file: BMT progression videos - Volleyball (56 KB)

PDF file: BMT progression videos - Football (56 KB)

Better Movers and Thinkers - progression videos

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourceLearning resources schoolHealth and Wellbeing (HWB)

​This resource is a series of 6 short videos, that demonstrate how the Better Movers and Thinkers (BMT) approach to learning and teaching in physical education can be used to develop the significant aspects of learning, within the context of a specific activity. The videos make use of the BMT scaffolding practices to help the learners achieve.​

The videos may also be used for moderation to increase practitioners’ confidence in assessing progress in physical education.

How to use this resource

Staff using the resource can view the different video clips, along with the explanatory notes that appear with the clips, to help with their understanding of how to develop lesson content to help the learners achieve success in their learning.

  • What are the key links between the various stages of the progressions that are demonstrated?
  • In what ways could you differentiate the material that is demonstrated to meet the needs of your learners?
  • Through moderation activity, what might the next steps be in order for the learners to progress?
    In what ways might the progressions that are used be improved?

​Explore this resource

There are 6 videos in this section. Each demonstrates a possible progression from the starting point of an identified scaffolding practice. Each of the videos is supported by a PDF file which provides the lesson plan used in the video.


Ball skills






PDF file: BMT progression videos - Gymnastics (54 KB)

PDF file: BMT progression videos - Ball skills (54 KB)

PDF file: BMT progression videos - Dance (52 KB)

PDF file: BMT progression videos - Badminton (52 KB)

PDF file: BMT progression videos - Volleyball (56 KB)

PDF file: BMT progression videos - Football (56 KB)