A’ leasachadh sgilean èisteachd is labhairt ann am Foghlam Meadhan Gàidhlig. Pròiseact co-obrachail. Developing listening and talking skills in Gaelic Medium Education (GME). A collaborative project.

Published 23/01/2018.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourceLearning resources schoolLanguages groupsPrimary categoryGaelic

Practitioners in Gaelic Medium Education can use this resource to plan learning activities which develop talking skills.

Here are some reflective questions which can be used to accompany this resource:

  • How well does your planning of learning focus on developing listening and talking skills in Gaelic?
  • How effectively are listening and talking skills taken forward as part of high-quality immersion?
  • How do you ensure that listening and talking activities are challenging, varied and differentiated?
  • How are you able to demonstrate that listening and talking are developed in a progressive way?

It may be useful to review section 7 and section 10 of Advice on Gaelic Education, alongside this resource.


PDF file: Developing listening and talking skills in Gaelic Medium Education: A collaborative project (30 KB)

Additional Resources

These short video clips should be viewed alongside the case studies.

Case study A


Case study B


Case study C

A’ leasachadh sgilean èisteachd is labhairt ann am Foghlam Meadhan Gàidhlig. Pròiseact co-obrachail. Developing listening and talking skills in Gaelic Medium Education (GME). A collaborative project.

Published 23/01/2018.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourceLearning resources schoolLanguages groupsPrimary categoryGaelic

Practitioners in Gaelic Medium Education can use this resource to plan learning activities which develop talking skills.

Here are some reflective questions which can be used to accompany this resource:

  • How well does your planning of learning focus on developing listening and talking skills in Gaelic?
  • How effectively are listening and talking skills taken forward as part of high-quality immersion?
  • How do you ensure that listening and talking activities are challenging, varied and differentiated?
  • How are you able to demonstrate that listening and talking are developed in a progressive way?

It may be useful to review section 7 and section 10 of Advice on Gaelic Education, alongside this resource.


PDF file: Developing listening and talking skills in Gaelic Medium Education: A collaborative project (30 KB)

Additional Resources

These short video clips should be viewed alongside the case studies.

Case study A


Case study B


Case study C