Development of plans, policies and guidance: Sketchnote - Promoting good attendance - supportive strategies and approaches
Promoting good attendance, supportive strategies and approaches
Included, engaged, and involved
- Promoting relationships
- Parental engagement
- Additional support for learning
- Responsibility of All
- Visible and accessible attendance policy
- Pastoral care
- Curriculum flexibility and personalised learner journey
- Raising profile
Culture, systems and practice are fundamental
- Creating a rights respecting and nurturing culture
- One to one meeting with the young person or parent/carers
- Categorising learners into levels of attendance
- Weekly tracking meetings with the house/year group teams using SEEMIS information
- Letters and text messages home
- Tracking spreadsheets to support rigour
- Identify the ‘pull factors to school'
- Reward system (when used sensitively)
- Leadership specifically around school attendance policy/strategy
- Empowering stakeholders in the development, promotion and review of the school attendance policy
- Effective use of data to ensure early intervention strategies
- Calendar of focus at weekly meetings
- Effective use of workers such as, Home School Support Worker, Family Liaison Officer, Youth Workers, and Educational Psychologist to support and improve attendance