Improving gender balance and equalities 3-18

Published 21/11/2017.  Last updated 20/06/2024
sourceLearning resources categoryInclusion Wellbeing and Equality categoryImproving Gender Balance and Equalities

Quick Start Guide

PDF file: Quick Start Guide to Improving Gender Balance and Equalities resources (1.5 MB) - use this resource to navigate your way quickly through some of our most popular resources.

News and events

Go to our news and events for information about upcoming professional learning events and news and ideas from participating schools.

IGBE in a nutshell

PDF file: IGBE flyer (2 MB)

PDF file: IGBE connections to National priorities (350 KB) - Overview of the programme, our rationale, key actions and connections with other education priorities and key national strategies.

Key resources


IGBE in more detail

Find links to:

Improvement questions

  • Are there ongoing and sustained opportunities for children and young people to reflect on gender stereotypes?
  • How do these resources help us to recognise and address our own unconscious bias?
  • How could these resources support improved gender balance in subject uptake and widen learner pathways?
  • How do these resources contribute to whole-establishment improvement?

Further resources for practitioners

Resources for practitioners in early learning and childcare (ELC), primary schools and secondary schools.

Early learning and childcare and primary schools

Secondary schools

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Resources for use with children and young people

Links to further resources for practitioners to use with children and young people in early learning and childcare, primary schools and secondary schools to help provide ongoing and sustained opportunities for children and young people to reflect on gender stereotypes, and to ensure children and young people access all areas of the curriculum and self-selection is tackled at all stages.

Early learning and childcare

Primary schools

Secondary schools

STEM subjects


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Research and literature

Links to research and literature for practitioners on the topics of: challenging gender stereotypes; addressing unconscious bias; improving gender balance in subject uptake and learner pathways; and promoting whole-establishment approaches to equality.

Poverty and Gender Inequality - A short paper on the gendered nature of poverty, why we need to challenge it and some things to consider (2021)

STEM: improving gender balance equity and equality – video playlist on YouTube

What does the research tell us and what can we do?

IGBE literature review and webinar

This literature review gives an overview of the relevant theory and research, with points for professional discussion and ideas for practice (2019). The authors recorded a webinar, hosted by the GTCS. The presenters discuss key themes from the paper and answer questions from webinar participants (2019).

Findings and evaluation of IGB Scotland pilot project

Other equalities related research

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Note on copyright

The Institute of Physics materials are made available with the kind permission of the Institute of Physics (© Institute of Physics 2017). Re-use of these materials is subject to IOP’s copyright policy, which can be accessed here:

Improving gender balance and equalities 3-18

Published 21/11/2017.  Last updated 20/06/2024
sourceLearning resources categoryInclusion Wellbeing and Equality categoryImproving Gender Balance and Equalities

Quick Start Guide

PDF file: Quick Start Guide to Improving Gender Balance and Equalities resources (1.5 MB) - use this resource to navigate your way quickly through some of our most popular resources.

News and events

Go to our news and events for information about upcoming professional learning events and news and ideas from participating schools.

IGBE in a nutshell

PDF file: IGBE flyer (2 MB)

PDF file: IGBE connections to National priorities (350 KB) - Overview of the programme, our rationale, key actions and connections with other education priorities and key national strategies.

Key resources


IGBE in more detail

Find links to:

Improvement questions

  • Are there ongoing and sustained opportunities for children and young people to reflect on gender stereotypes?
  • How do these resources help us to recognise and address our own unconscious bias?
  • How could these resources support improved gender balance in subject uptake and widen learner pathways?
  • How do these resources contribute to whole-establishment improvement?

Further resources for practitioners

Resources for practitioners in early learning and childcare (ELC), primary schools and secondary schools.

Early learning and childcare and primary schools

Secondary schools

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Resources for use with children and young people

Links to further resources for practitioners to use with children and young people in early learning and childcare, primary schools and secondary schools to help provide ongoing and sustained opportunities for children and young people to reflect on gender stereotypes, and to ensure children and young people access all areas of the curriculum and self-selection is tackled at all stages.

Early learning and childcare

Primary schools

Secondary schools

STEM subjects


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Research and literature

Links to research and literature for practitioners on the topics of: challenging gender stereotypes; addressing unconscious bias; improving gender balance in subject uptake and learner pathways; and promoting whole-establishment approaches to equality.

Poverty and Gender Inequality - A short paper on the gendered nature of poverty, why we need to challenge it and some things to consider (2021)

STEM: improving gender balance equity and equality – video playlist on YouTube

What does the research tell us and what can we do?

IGBE literature review and webinar

This literature review gives an overview of the relevant theory and research, with points for professional discussion and ideas for practice (2019). The authors recorded a webinar, hosted by the GTCS. The presenters discuss key themes from the paper and answer questions from webinar participants (2019).

Findings and evaluation of IGB Scotland pilot project

Other equalities related research

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Note on copyright

The Institute of Physics materials are made available with the kind permission of the Institute of Physics (© Institute of Physics 2017). Re-use of these materials is subject to IOP’s copyright policy, which can be accessed here: