Equality and diversity

Education Scotland is committed to eliminating discrimination and promoting equality and diversity.

We will ensure equal opportunities for all staff and our stakeholders. This includes ‘protected characteristic’ groups. We will ensure we can:

  • identify groups at risk of not benefiting fully from education and take action to meet their needs
  • help all learners develop the understanding of equality and diversity issues essential for responsible citizens in the 21st century

This strategy sets out how Education Scotland assess the impact of new and existing policies, practices and procedures, as set out in the Equality Act 2010.

Strategy for equality impact assessments (PDF)

Education Scotland Equality Impact Assessments (EQIA)

Internal Professional Learning Strategy (PDF)

Exploration workshops on curriculum core competencies (PDF)

Corporate plan equality impact assessment review 

Cyber First EQIA April 2023 to April 2025 (PDF)

Glow EQIA December 2023 (PDF)

National Improving Writing Programme EQIA November 2023 (PDF)

Curriculum Innovation and Design program EQIA October 2023 (PDF)

Health and Safety Policy EQIA September 2023 (PDF)

Web Estates EQIA December 2022 (PDF)

Customer relationship management (CRM) Platform EQIA December 2022 (PDF)

Professional Learning Catalogue EQIA December 2022 (PDF)

Lone working guidance EQIA June 2023 (PDF)

Reviewing Pre-Inspection Questionnaires EQIA May 2023 (PDF)

Day of Design EQIA February 2023 (PDF)

Subject access request guidance EQIA January 2023 (PDF)

Corporate plan renewal October 2022 (PDF)

Scottish Learning Festival EQIA June 2022 (PDF)

National e-Learning Offer EQIA May 2022 (PDF)

National Response to Improving Mathematics EQIA April 2022 (PDF)

Professional learning and leadership programmes EQIA March 2022 (PDF)

Young Scot hive programme EQIA February 2022 (PDF)

Education Scotland Corporate Plan EQIA November 2021 (PDF)

Countdown to COP Programme EQIA August 2021 (PDF)

Return to offices plan EQIA August 2021 (PDF)

Child Rights and Participation Strategy 2021 to 2022 EQIA April 2021 (PDF)

Education Scotland recovery: supporting education leaders and teams EQIA July 2020 (PDF)

Education Scotland recovery: assessment within Broad General Education (BGE) EQIA August 2020 (PDF)

National e-Learning Programme EQIA August 2020 (PDF)

The Children’s Rights and Participation Strategy 2020 to 2022 (PDF) sets out how Education Scotland will protect and respect the rights of all children as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).