Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice: Professional Learning Resource

Published 30/01/2020.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourceLearning resources categoryInclusion Wellbeing and Equality

Logo on Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice: Professional Learning ResourceThis professional learning resource is one of several free resources which have been developed in response to the 2014 Education Scotland report Making Sense: Education for Children and Young People with Dyslexia in Scotland.

Developed by Education Scotland, the Making Sense Working Group and stakeholders, it aims to support practitioners, schools and local authorities to:

  • improve the quality of educational outcomes for learners with dyslexia through collaborative enquiry and effective self-evaluation
  • evidence the impact of the collaborative enquiry through evidence-based improvements
  • fulfil statutory duties
  • support professional learning on inclusive practice
  • further develop inclusive practice for all learners within the school community.
  • build on partnerships within the Regional Improvement Collaboratives (RICs), developing opportunities to share practice and reduce duplication of resource development.

The level of awareness and readiness for change will vary across schools and local authorities and this resource can be used to focus on specific key areas for improvement or to contribute to whole school inclusive practice.

The Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice: Professional Learning Resource has been developed to support all five recommendations from the Making Sense report. There is a particular focus on Recommendation 4 and in particular 4.4. which explores developing a dyslexia friendly school award.

Key features are - Inclusive school community; empowerment; professional learning; learner engagement and participation; family engagement and participation; early identificaation, monitoring and support; curriculum accessibility; attainmentImproving Inclusive practice for all learners

The resource focuses on eight key areas highlighted by stakeholders which would support improvements in the outcomes for all learners including learners with dyslexia. This is supported through effective, inclusive practice. The selection of these areas is also supported by a range of evidence from inspection, research and project work carried out by the European Agency for special Needs and Inclusive Education.

Improvement questions

  • Have we successfully established an inclusive school community? How do we know – what is the evidence and impact?
  • Are all our school policies and planning methods inclusive – do they fulfil the statutory and professional duties?
  • How do we consult with and involve all stakeholders in the self-evaluation of inclusive practice and support for dyslexia?


Cover of Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice: Professional Learning ResourceDownload

PDF file: Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice: Professional Learning Resource (1.8 MB)

Word file: Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice Professional Reflection and Planning Tool (90 KB)

Word file: Developing Inclusive school Community Improvement Exemplar (96 KB)

Word file: Springboard for reflective conversations to support improvements: Inclusive school community (98 KB)


Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice: Professional Learning Resource

Published 30/01/2020.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourceLearning resources categoryInclusion Wellbeing and Equality

Logo on Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice: Professional Learning ResourceThis professional learning resource is one of several free resources which have been developed in response to the 2014 Education Scotland report Making Sense: Education for Children and Young People with Dyslexia in Scotland.

Developed by Education Scotland, the Making Sense Working Group and stakeholders, it aims to support practitioners, schools and local authorities to:

  • improve the quality of educational outcomes for learners with dyslexia through collaborative enquiry and effective self-evaluation
  • evidence the impact of the collaborative enquiry through evidence-based improvements
  • fulfil statutory duties
  • support professional learning on inclusive practice
  • further develop inclusive practice for all learners within the school community.
  • build on partnerships within the Regional Improvement Collaboratives (RICs), developing opportunities to share practice and reduce duplication of resource development.

The level of awareness and readiness for change will vary across schools and local authorities and this resource can be used to focus on specific key areas for improvement or to contribute to whole school inclusive practice.

The Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice: Professional Learning Resource has been developed to support all five recommendations from the Making Sense report. There is a particular focus on Recommendation 4 and in particular 4.4. which explores developing a dyslexia friendly school award.

Key features are - Inclusive school community; empowerment; professional learning; learner engagement and participation; family engagement and participation; early identificaation, monitoring and support; curriculum accessibility; attainmentImproving Inclusive practice for all learners

The resource focuses on eight key areas highlighted by stakeholders which would support improvements in the outcomes for all learners including learners with dyslexia. This is supported through effective, inclusive practice. The selection of these areas is also supported by a range of evidence from inspection, research and project work carried out by the European Agency for special Needs and Inclusive Education.

Improvement questions

  • Have we successfully established an inclusive school community? How do we know – what is the evidence and impact?
  • Are all our school policies and planning methods inclusive – do they fulfil the statutory and professional duties?
  • How do we consult with and involve all stakeholders in the self-evaluation of inclusive practice and support for dyslexia?


Cover of Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice: Professional Learning ResourceDownload

PDF file: Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice: Professional Learning Resource (1.8 MB)

Word file: Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice Professional Reflection and Planning Tool (90 KB)

Word file: Developing Inclusive school Community Improvement Exemplar (96 KB)

Word file: Springboard for reflective conversations to support improvements: Inclusive school community (98 KB)