Getting involved
As a parent or carer, you can make an enormous difference to your child's chances of success. This can happen in an early learning and childcare setting, at school, at home, and throughout their life. Find out more about getting involved and how it can help your child succeed.

Connect is a Scottish charity dedicated to supporting parental engagement in education.
Ways of getting involved
An introduction to the various ways that you can get involved in helping out and sharing skills at your child's school.
Parent Councils
Parent Councils have an important role to play in ensuring that children's education is enriched by parents' valuable life experience, individual personal skills and unique knowledge of their own child.
The school parent forum
If your child attends a local authority school, you are automatically a member of the school's parent forum.
National Parent Forum of Scotland
The National Parent Forum of Scotland (NPFS) was set up to give parents an opportunity to raise issues at a national level.
Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act
The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act aims to get parents more involved in their children's learning.
Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme
Information about the The Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme for people who work with children and protected adults.
Sharing ideas
Examples of how parents across Scotland are getting involved in their children's education.