Education Scotland Programme Endorsement

20 September 2019 

Calling all professional learning providers! The Professional Learning and Leadership (PLL) team at Education Scotland recently launched a new endorsement process for professional learning programmes.

So, what does endorsement look like? Education Scotland endorsement is for programmes of professional learning that can demonstrate clear articulation with the national model of professional learning. Endorsement provides those who commission programmes, as well as those engaging in professional learning, assurance that endorsed programmes offer relevant, significant and sustained quality learning, that impacts not only on the participant, but on their learners too.

The six key features of the model are:

  • Education professionals as learners
  • Learning that deepens knowledge and understanding
  • Learning-as-collaborative
  • Learning by enquiry
  • Leadership of and for learning
  • Professional standards and education policy

Endorsed programmes gain a range of benefits: the endorsed programme quality mark, which can be used for a period of five years; promotion of the programme through a range of marketing channels, and the option to award certificates of completion featuring the quality mark.    `

So how do providers apply? The endorsement process comes in three stages. Firstly – the application form. Providers complete the form describing their programme and how it links to the national model of professional learning. Applications are then reviewed by the PLL team. If any further information is required, the provider is informed, but if the application meets all the criteria, it goes forward to the third stage – the endorsement panel – and a date for the next available panel is communicated to the provider.


The panel is chaired by a PLL Lead Specialist, who is in turn supported by at least two further panel members, who are drawn from a pool of partner organisations, such as local authorities, regional improvement collaboratives, professional associations, further and higher education institutions and national professional learning networks. All have extensive expertise and experience of professional learning.

Providers are invited to deliver a short presentation to the panel – using any format they want to – and take part in a conversation with the panel about the programme. Once the panel has agreed an outcome, a report is generated and the provider is informed – usually within 7-10 days. Sometimes there may be conditions or recommendations and Education Scotland will support providers to achieve these.

Our new process is subject to its own quality assurance processes. Education Scotland is proud to be part of a three-nations partnership with our colleagues National Academy for Educational Leadership in Wales and the Centre for School Leadership in Ireland.

Professional learning providers who have applied to date have commented on the usefulness of the process as part of their own quality assurance procedures. The panel meeting is not intended to be daunting or overly formal, but rather an opportunity to showcase fantastic courses and programmes, which really make a difference to the practice of those taking part in them.

So, if you lead a programme of learning that inspires educators to new heights, and improves the learning of children, young people or adults, we want to hear from you!

Visit the endorsement page or get in touch with us for further information.


Education Scotland Programme Endorsement

20 September 2019 

Calling all professional learning providers! The Professional Learning and Leadership (PLL) team at Education Scotland recently launched a new endorsement process for professional learning programmes.

So, what does endorsement look like? Education Scotland endorsement is for programmes of professional learning that can demonstrate clear articulation with the national model of professional learning. Endorsement provides those who commission programmes, as well as those engaging in professional learning, assurance that endorsed programmes offer relevant, significant and sustained quality learning, that impacts not only on the participant, but on their learners too.

The six key features of the model are:

  • Education professionals as learners
  • Learning that deepens knowledge and understanding
  • Learning-as-collaborative
  • Learning by enquiry
  • Leadership of and for learning
  • Professional standards and education policy

Endorsed programmes gain a range of benefits: the endorsed programme quality mark, which can be used for a period of five years; promotion of the programme through a range of marketing channels, and the option to award certificates of completion featuring the quality mark.    `

So how do providers apply? The endorsement process comes in three stages. Firstly – the application form. Providers complete the form describing their programme and how it links to the national model of professional learning. Applications are then reviewed by the PLL team. If any further information is required, the provider is informed, but if the application meets all the criteria, it goes forward to the third stage – the endorsement panel – and a date for the next available panel is communicated to the provider.


The panel is chaired by a PLL Lead Specialist, who is in turn supported by at least two further panel members, who are drawn from a pool of partner organisations, such as local authorities, regional improvement collaboratives, professional associations, further and higher education institutions and national professional learning networks. All have extensive expertise and experience of professional learning.

Providers are invited to deliver a short presentation to the panel – using any format they want to – and take part in a conversation with the panel about the programme. Once the panel has agreed an outcome, a report is generated and the provider is informed – usually within 7-10 days. Sometimes there may be conditions or recommendations and Education Scotland will support providers to achieve these.

Our new process is subject to its own quality assurance processes. Education Scotland is proud to be part of a three-nations partnership with our colleagues National Academy for Educational Leadership in Wales and the Centre for School Leadership in Ireland.

Professional learning providers who have applied to date have commented on the usefulness of the process as part of their own quality assurance procedures. The panel meeting is not intended to be daunting or overly formal, but rather an opportunity to showcase fantastic courses and programmes, which really make a difference to the practice of those taking part in them.

So, if you lead a programme of learning that inspires educators to new heights, and improves the learning of children, young people or adults, we want to hear from you!

Visit the endorsement page or get in touch with us for further information.



Lesley Walker

About the author

Lesley Walker joined Education Scotland in March 2019 as one of the Lead Specialists for professional learning.