Aspiring to Middle Leadership

Welcome to Aspiring to Middle Leadership (AML)

First, thank you for choosing our programme to be part of your professional learning journey. In getting started you’ve shown a commitment to your own development, which is not only an investment in yourself but also an investment in those you work with, whether children, young people or adult learners.

We recommend you read through the sections below before beginning the activities.

The learning is online and self-directed, but a supportive structure is provided. With that in mind, we encourage you to:

  • Look after your wellbeing
  • Devote appropriate time to the programme and set goals for yourself
  • Plan your learning to fit around other commitments at work and home
  • Engage in professional dialogue with your colleagues about your learning
  • Be mindful of your professional values
  • Have access to a reliable device and broadband internet
  • Be prepared to set aside 2-3 hours for the Introductory Activities and for each self-directed Professional Learning Activity (PLA). Four completed PLAs are required to complete the programme
  • If you’re a GTCS-registered teacher, have access to EBSCO through MyGTCS (GTCS login details required).

‘While you will be undertaking the learning online, it is very important that you build in time to apply what you have learned by integrating aspects of it into your own practice, or into practice in your wider setting. You will need to clearly demonstrate how you have applied and integrated your learning, and write about its impact, in order to complete the programme and receive a certificate. This is in addition to completing the online activities (see ‘Programme completion’).

The AML programme is accessed online.

Leading their own learning, participants will:

  • increase their knowledge of recent and emerging research around the roles of middle leadership
  • enquire into their own strengths and areas for development as an aspiring or new middle leader
  • increase their knowledge and understanding of the roles of middle leadership and the skills and abilities required to carry out key aspects of these roles
  • increase their knowledge and understanding of an aspect of wellbeing, inclusion, equity or equalities, with a view to leading a change in this area.

The programme starts with four short introductory activities including a self-evaluation activity (‘self-evaluation wheel’) which you can complete through your Reflective Journal (a link to this is included in the Tools and templates). This will act as both a planning tool and a record, with spaces for reflections on your learning. Your Reflective Journal is just for you. If you wish to receive a certificate when you complete the programme, you will need to submit a shorter Learning Summary (see Programme completion).

You may also wish to engage with a live introductory session at the start of the learning. We offer these nationally online three times per year, or you can watch a recorded version which you can find in the section below. This introductory session will take you through the programme content, share the research that underpins the programme, and support you to start the process of planning your learning pathway, using the self-evaluation wheel to enquire into and identify your areas of strength and interest and areas for development.

You will then undertake individual, self-directed learning, using online self-directed Professional Learning Activities (PLAs), based on your completed self-evaluation wheel.

A set of eight PLAs, each exploring one of the Roles of Middle Leadership identified in the research, is available. You should select two as a minimum. You can expect to spend 2-3 hours on each PLA.

You should then select at least two PLAs from a list based on the Inclusion, Wellbeing and Equalities themes. You should base your selections on areas of interest, identified learning needs, school or setting improvement plans or an area you are leading on or are likely to lead on in the future. You might also consider any recent professional dialogue with your school leadership or manager, e.g., as part of your Professional Review and Development (PRD), and /or your professional standards, competences or code, e.g., the General Teaching Council (Scotland) (GTCS) Standard for Middle Leadership or the CLD Competent Practitioner Framework.

Remember the importance of applying and integrating what you have learned online into your practice, or the practice of your wider setting. This is why we suggest 8-12 months for programme completion. This timeframe takes in completion of a minimum of four PLAs, time to apply your learning, and to identify any actual or potential impact on you, your learners or your colleagues.

If possible, you could plan for peer support with a colleague as you progress through the programme and can use your Reflective Journal to gather your thoughts as you go. There is an option of submitting a Learning Record to us for certification upon completion of the programme.

We offer an annual Middle Leadership Sharing the Learning event in May which you are welcome to attend to share and discuss your learning with colleagues.

You are welcome to attend one of the following live Introductory sessions…however this is optional and alternatively you can start your learning now without attending.

You can watch a recorded version* as an alternative to attending a live session. *Please note that since recording, updates have been made to the AML Learning Summary and requirements for completion. The Learning Summary provides current and correct information on how to complete the programme.


A transcript of the recording is also available.


Middle Leadership Sharing the Learning Event (MS Teams)

The Middle Leadership Sharing the Learning event will be offered once and will not be recorded. It will provide an opportunity to meet educators, from across Scotland, who have been working on the AML and the Middle Leaders Leading Change online programmes.

You may choose to approach a colleague to take on the role of a Peer Supporter while you engage with the programme. This could be a colleague, established middle leader or even your line manager. The role of the Peer Supporter is to hold space and support for discussions with you related to your learning. The key purpose of this relationship is as a space for professional dialogue.

You might want to encourage your Peer Supporter to engage with the Coaching in Education resource to support them in their role.

Please read and share this short guide to the role with your Peer Supporter.

Your peer supporter needn’t be based in the same setting as you.

If you are responsible for leading the professional learning of colleagues across a local authority, school or setting you are welcome to use this programme as a basis of a local professional learning offer. To support you with this you can download and use the following resource:

Introductory session to AML Professional Learning Resource (PPT)