Middle Leaders Leading Change

Welcome to Middle Leaders Leading Change (MLLC)

A warm welcome to our online professional learning programme for middle leaders. We are aware of the demanding jobs you undertake and to this end our online programme has been developed to work around busy lives. We hope you will find it an enjoyable professional learning experience, supporting and challenging you to become confident in leading change in your context - and to develop against your professional standards.

We offer a suggested numbered pathway for the PLAs but recognise some of you may wish to adapt this to your needs / interests.

The learning is online and self-directed, but a supportive structure is provided.

This is a flexible online programme consisting of seven separate self-directed professional learning activities (PLAs). To complete the programme, you will undertake all seven PLAs and submit a template related to your learning from the programme.

Middle leaders are busy professionals so for this reason we have made the programme as flexible as possible, allowing you to make best use of time when you have it. We offer a suggested numbered pathway for the PLAs but recognise some may wish to adapt this to their needs / interests.

The learning is online and self-directed, but a supportive structure is provided. With that in mind, we encourage you to:

      • Look after your wellbeing
      • Devote appropriate time to the programme and set goals for yourself
      • Plan your learning to fit around other commitments at work and home
      • Engage in professional dialogue with your colleagues about your learning
      • Be mindful of your professional values
      • Have access to a reliable device and broadband internet
      • Be prepared to set aside 2-4 hours for each self-directed Professional Learning Activity (PLA). Seven completed PLAs are required to complete the programme.
      • Consider how you will apply or integrate your learning in context as you go.

The MLLC programme is accessed online.

This programme is structured around four pillars:

  • Self-awareness: develop awareness of individual areas of strength / development needs and how this awareness can inform improvements to leadership
  • Anti-racism:  develop an understanding of identity, privilege and power and how to actively encourage and celebrate diversity
  • Leadership of change: develop knowledge, understanding and confidence in the use of different models to lead and scaffold change
  • Coaching as a model of practice: enhance awareness and knowledge of coaching approaches for leadership and increase confidence in practising these.

These themes are explored using self-directed professional learning activities (PLAs). There are seven discrete PLAs that can be completed in any order to best suit participant needs. This allows participants to dip in and out of different areas of learning during the programme.

MLLC offers opportunities for exploring research and reflecting on each of the four pillars. The learning has been carefully chosen to allow you to draw conclusions that will better equip you in your role of leading change. Although there is no set timeline, as a rough guide each of the PLAs can take between two and four hours with options for further reading. Past participants have tried to set aside time each month during term time to complete one of these PLAs.

Once you have completed the PLAs, you are then encouraged to apply your learning as part of the programme.  

Through the programme participants are encouraged to reflect on their learning against the following professional standards:

A Reflective Journal template is available to help you to plan your learning and will provide space for summary reflections at each stage of the programme.

On completion (which includes the application and integration of your learning from the PLAs), you have the option of submitting your learning to us for certification.

You are welcome to attend one of the following live introductory sessions…however this is optional. Please note that the introductory sessions are repeated and there is limited benefit to attending more than one.

Introductory sessions (MS Teams): 

You can watch a recorded version* as an alternative to attending a live session. *Please note that since recording, updates have been made to the MLLC Learning Summary and requirements for completion. The MLLC Change Initiative template provides current and correct information on how to complete the programme.


A transcript of the recording is also available. 


Middle Leadership Sharing the Learning Event (MS Teams)

The Middle Leadership Sharing the Learning event will be offered once and will not be recorded. It will provide an opportunity to meet educators, from across Scotland who have been working on the MLLC and the Aspiring to Middle Leadership online programmes.

If you are responsible for leading the professional learning of colleagues across a local authority, school or setting you are welcome to use this programme as a basis of a local professional learning offer. To support you with this you can download and use the following resources:

Introduction to MLLC Professional Learning Resource (12 MB PPT)