A summary of resources to support learning, teaching and assessment within numeracy and mathematics

Published 18/08/2020.  Last updated 10/03/2025
sourceLearning resources schoolNumeracy and Mathematics categoryGaelic

Curriculum documents

Curriculum for Excellence - An Overview of Key Documents
Principles and Practice
Experiences and Outcomes
Curriculum for Excellence Benchmarks
Milestones to Support Learners with Complex Additional Support Needs

Key publications

Enhancing the quality of mathematics education in Scotland
National Thematic Inspection: Numeracy and Mathematics
National Numeracy and Mathematics Progression Framework
Transforming Scotland into a Maths Positive Nation: Final Report of the Making Maths Count Group

Self-evaluation tools

Word file: National thematic inspection: numeracy and mathematics - Self-evaluation form - ELC settings (148 KB)

Word file: National thematic inspection: numeracy and mathematics - Self-evaluation form - Schools (148 KB)

Numeracy Professional Learning Resources

This suite of seven professional learning papers, together with an accompanying guidance document and glossary has been designed to support improved learning and teaching of numeracy in the Broad General Education.

Professional Learning Community for Numeracy and Mathematics

The Numeracy and Mathematics PLC formally known as the National Numeracy and Mathematics Hub (Glow login required) has a range of professional learning modules, research papers and support materials. Sections include:

Additional support and resources

Higher Order Thinking Skills in Maths
Numeracy across learning
Effective questioning to support assessment in numeracy and mathematics
Numeracy in Social Studies
A summary of STEM Resources
Numeracy in Expressive Arts | Learning resources | National Improvement Hub (education.gov.scot)

Financial education

An Overview of Financial Education Resources
Money Talks- Family Finances
On the Money

Practice exemplars

Family learning
A Family Learning Approach to Maths - Pizza Maths in Renfrewshire
Big Chef, Little Chef - A Family Learning Programme
Family Learning through STEM - Glasgow Clyde College
Increasing Parental Engagement through Opportunities for Families to Learn Together

Working collaboratively to support improvement
A Constructivist Approach to Improving Numeracy at Hareleeshill Primary School
Closing the Poverty Related Attainment Gap in Numeracy - A Scottish Borders Cluster Approach
Using a Lesson Study Approach to Improve Learning and Teaching in Numeracy in Glasgow
What is working in Numeracy and Mathematics - The Scottish Attainment Challenge

Interdisciplinary learning
Kennel Club - In the Dog House


Differentiated Learning in Numeracy and Mathematics

Supporting learning at home

Parentzone Scotland: Supporting Numeracy at Home
Parentzone Scotland: An Overview of the Numeracy and Mathematics Curriculum
Parentzone Scotland: Numeracy and Mathematics Glossary
Parentzone Scotland: I am a Mathematician
Parentzone Scotland: I am a Mathematician - Gaelic version
Support for parents on numeracy and mathematics methods and approaches

A summary of resources to support learning, teaching and assessment within numeracy and mathematics

Published 18/08/2020.  Last updated 10/03/2025
sourceLearning resources schoolNumeracy and Mathematics categoryGaelic

Curriculum documents

Curriculum for Excellence - An Overview of Key Documents
Principles and Practice
Experiences and Outcomes
Curriculum for Excellence Benchmarks
Milestones to Support Learners with Complex Additional Support Needs

Key publications

Enhancing the quality of mathematics education in Scotland
National Thematic Inspection: Numeracy and Mathematics
National Numeracy and Mathematics Progression Framework
Transforming Scotland into a Maths Positive Nation: Final Report of the Making Maths Count Group

Self-evaluation tools

Word file: National thematic inspection: numeracy and mathematics - Self-evaluation form - ELC settings (148 KB)

Word file: National thematic inspection: numeracy and mathematics - Self-evaluation form - Schools (148 KB)

Numeracy Professional Learning Resources

This suite of seven professional learning papers, together with an accompanying guidance document and glossary has been designed to support improved learning and teaching of numeracy in the Broad General Education.

Professional Learning Community for Numeracy and Mathematics

The Numeracy and Mathematics PLC formally known as the National Numeracy and Mathematics Hub (Glow login required) has a range of professional learning modules, research papers and support materials. Sections include:

Additional support and resources

Higher Order Thinking Skills in Maths
Numeracy across learning
Effective questioning to support assessment in numeracy and mathematics
Numeracy in Social Studies
A summary of STEM Resources
Numeracy in Expressive Arts | Learning resources | National Improvement Hub (education.gov.scot)

Financial education

An Overview of Financial Education Resources
Money Talks- Family Finances
On the Money

Practice exemplars

Family learning
A Family Learning Approach to Maths - Pizza Maths in Renfrewshire
Big Chef, Little Chef - A Family Learning Programme
Family Learning through STEM - Glasgow Clyde College
Increasing Parental Engagement through Opportunities for Families to Learn Together

Working collaboratively to support improvement
A Constructivist Approach to Improving Numeracy at Hareleeshill Primary School
Closing the Poverty Related Attainment Gap in Numeracy - A Scottish Borders Cluster Approach
Using a Lesson Study Approach to Improve Learning and Teaching in Numeracy in Glasgow
What is working in Numeracy and Mathematics - The Scottish Attainment Challenge

Interdisciplinary learning
Kennel Club - In the Dog House


Differentiated Learning in Numeracy and Mathematics

Supporting learning at home

Parentzone Scotland: Supporting Numeracy at Home
Parentzone Scotland: An Overview of the Numeracy and Mathematics Curriculum
Parentzone Scotland: Numeracy and Mathematics Glossary
Parentzone Scotland: I am a Mathematician
Parentzone Scotland: I am a Mathematician - Gaelic version
Support for parents on numeracy and mathematics methods and approaches