Health and wellbeing; Responsibility of all - making the links…making it work

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 15/01/2025
sourceSelf-evaluation schoolHealth and Wellbeing (HWB)

This resource package is intended to help practitioners and establishments develop a shared understanding of health and wellbeing responsibility of all. It aims to help all those working with children and young people in an educational setting to move towards embedding it within their work, to develop a framework to ensure progression in learning and to make the process more manageable.

How to use this approach

The aim of this resource is to demonstrate the links between Health and wellbeing (HWB):
responsibility of all, Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) and United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The key to this is making the connection between the health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes which are the responsibility of all and the wellbeing indicators (SHANARRI Wheel). This ensures that the child is at the centre and their wellbeing is paramount. The resource package can be used flexibly to evaluate an establishment’s current position as regards Health and wellbeing; responsibility of all and to plan their next steps.

  • Thinking about your own establishment, which wellbeing indicator/s would you regard as a priority and why?
  • What is your rationale and evidence for this decision?
  • Can you link this/these with your establishment improvement plan?
  • In what way/s could you consult with your school community to gain their input in the planning, monitoring and evaluation of this planning process?
  • Can you identify/suggest opportunities to facilitate the following:
    • Children/ young people to self-report about their progress in health and wellbeing
    • Time for observation/dialogue between children/young people and an adult who knows them well
    • Occasions when practitioners can engage in moderation and professional dialogue in relation to evaluating progress and achievement in health and wellbeing
  • Which of your existing procedures for monitoring and tracking would best support this process?


PDF file: Making the links making it work - Booklet (1.4 MB)

PDF file: Making the links making it work - Posters (329 KB)

PDF file: Making the links making it work - Poster (editable) (432 KB)

PDF file: Making the links making it work - Poster (editable) Gaelic version (330 KB)

Word file: Gaelic blank poster template (407 KB)

Health and wellbeing; Responsibility of all - making the links…making it work

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 15/01/2025
sourceSelf-evaluation schoolHealth and Wellbeing (HWB)

This resource package is intended to help practitioners and establishments develop a shared understanding of health and wellbeing responsibility of all. It aims to help all those working with children and young people in an educational setting to move towards embedding it within their work, to develop a framework to ensure progression in learning and to make the process more manageable.

How to use this approach

The aim of this resource is to demonstrate the links between Health and wellbeing (HWB):
responsibility of all, Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) and United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The key to this is making the connection between the health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes which are the responsibility of all and the wellbeing indicators (SHANARRI Wheel). This ensures that the child is at the centre and their wellbeing is paramount. The resource package can be used flexibly to evaluate an establishment’s current position as regards Health and wellbeing; responsibility of all and to plan their next steps.

  • Thinking about your own establishment, which wellbeing indicator/s would you regard as a priority and why?
  • What is your rationale and evidence for this decision?
  • Can you link this/these with your establishment improvement plan?
  • In what way/s could you consult with your school community to gain their input in the planning, monitoring and evaluation of this planning process?
  • Can you identify/suggest opportunities to facilitate the following:
    • Children/ young people to self-report about their progress in health and wellbeing
    • Time for observation/dialogue between children/young people and an adult who knows them well
    • Occasions when practitioners can engage in moderation and professional dialogue in relation to evaluating progress and achievement in health and wellbeing
  • Which of your existing procedures for monitoring and tracking would best support this process?


PDF file: Making the links making it work - Booklet (1.4 MB)

PDF file: Making the links making it work - Posters (329 KB)

PDF file: Making the links making it work - Poster (editable) (432 KB)

PDF file: Making the links making it work - Poster (editable) Gaelic version (330 KB)

Word file: Gaelic blank poster template (407 KB)