Improving RME: Senior Phase exemplification in Religious and Moral Education
How to use this Learning and assessment resource to improve practice
This resource can be used by practitioners to stimulate debate and discussion around religion, beliefs and values. While using this resource, the following reflective questions may be helpful:
- How does learning in the Senior Phase build upon prior learning in RME throughout the Broad General Education
- How well does Senior Phase RME follow on from the principles of Curriculum for Excellence RME as outlined in the Principles and Practice paper for RME and in the Experiences and Outcomes.
- How might learning in RME in the Senior Phase be meaningfully linked to accreditation programmes?
- How might the materials used in this learning resource stimulate learners in reflecting upon and developing their own beliefs and values, challenging their thinking, and learning about and from the views of others?
- How well is learning in RME in the Senior Phase linked to contemporary religious, moral and social issues, and to other curricular areas?
- How does learning in RME in the Senior Phase support the development of higher order thinking skills and other relevant skills for learning, life and work?
Downloads (s)
PDF file: RME Senior Phase Exemplification Course Outline (183 KB)
Word file: Research letter template (28 KB)
PowerPoint presentation: Evaluation of Religion, Beliefs and Viewpoints Fair (133 KB)
Word file: Feedback form (28 KB)
PDF file: Jewish and Christian Artefacts (1.5 MB)
Word file: Beloved Quote from Toni Morrison (25 KB)
Powerpoint file: Research Topic - Charity (546 KB)
Powerpoint file: Why Charity (733 KB)
Word file: Why Charity lesson (86 KB)
PDF file: Charity - Activity sheets (301 KB)
Explore the resource
1. Organising a 'Religion, Beliefs and Values Fair'.
Learners investigate the variety of religions, beliefs and viewpoints present in their local area and this investigation culminates in the running of a 'religion, beliefs and values fair' where local representatives of a range of perspectives are present so that visitors to the fair can learn more about them.
As well as learning about the religions, beliefs and viewpoints in their local area, learners will also develop organisational skills through event planning, management and review. Learners will be able to reflect upon their own developing beliefs and values and their response to the religions, beliefs and viewpoints examined during the planning and running of their event
2. Senior Phase RME in Special Education
Through a range of sensory experiences involving religious artefacts and places, learners will explore aspects of Christianity and Judaism and their own responses to these. The emphasis will be on learner's responses to religious artefacts and places. Learners will also further develop their self-confidence skills and interpersonal skills.
3. The concept of 'Rememory'
This approach links to oral traditions across world religions, the individual's journey in relation to their own developing beliefs and values, and makes reference to the Christian celebration of Eucharist.
4. Charity
These materials enable learners to explore charity and the beliefs and values upon which it depends. Learners will be encouraged to analyse and evaluate the rationale for charity action and explore how religious and other beliefs motivate individuals and organisations to provide charity.