Sharing highly effective features of practice from inspections of the Gaelic sector

Published 16/06/2023.  Last updated 26/06/2024
sourcePractice exemplars schoolLanguages groupsEarly Learning and Childcare (ELC) groupsPrimary groupsSecondary categoryGaelic

Gheibhear a’ Ghàidhlig an seo.

These sketchnotes are designed to promote professional dialogue, influence change and support planning for improvement.

Challenge questions are provided to support professional dialogue.

Users who require more information and context should refer to HM Inspection reports, summarised inspection findings and other publications for Gaelic.

Themed sketchnotes

Themed sketchnotes draw on a few inspections to summarise and highlight features of effective practice.

Gàidhlig Medium Education - Total immersion across the Early Years

Challenge questions

  • What are the effective pedagogies that you use for total immersion?
  • How do you ensure regular, quality interactions, as part of child-initiated, adult-initiated and adult-directed experiences so that children hear, absorb and use Gaelic?
  • How do you ensure the regular renewing of total immersion play contexts so that children’s learning is progressive, challenging and promotes curiosity?
  • What are the routines in the total immersion setting that enable children’s confidence in using Gaelic in familiar situations?
  • How well do the learning environments, both indoors and outdoors, support different types of total immersion play experiences to develop children’s fluency in Gaelic, knowledge, skills and understanding?
  • How well does the information you gather about children’s progress inform short- and long-term planning of their learning and next steps?
  • How are you using ‘The Advice on Gaelic Education' for self-evaluation and improvement planning?
  • How well are you supporting and developing parental engagement and family learning? How are parents/carers encouraged and informed so they can effectively support language used at home?

PDF file: Total immersion across the Early Years (482 KB)

Gàidhlig - Total immersion in Primary Schools

Challenge questions

  • What are the principles, and the actions you take to ensure learning, teaching and total immersion is consistently high quality, both indoors and outdoors?
  • Across stages, what proportion of the curriculum through Gaelic do learners experience, if not all of the curriculum? How well is this impacting on children and young people’s language acquisition and progress in the skills?
  • How well do staff access and apply findings from quality educational research to improve learning and teaching? How well do staff work with colleagues within and out with the school to agree standards to be achieved?
  • In dual medium schools, how well is Gaelic Learner Education being embedded across the curriculum and its context? Do children and young people have regular access to learning, hearing and using Gaelic?
  • How successfully are children and young people involved in opportunities for achievement, including events and activities in the community in which they are able to use their skills in Gaelic?
  • How well are you working in partnership with other providers and parents to support children with transitions?

PDF file: Total immersion across Primary Schools (500 KB)

Gàidhlig - Total Immersion in Secondary Schools

Challenge questions

  • How well do young people experience progression into qualifications in the senior phase in literacy, numeracy, and health and wellbeing, subjects, curriculum areas, personal achievements and in interdisciplinary learning?
  • How well is young people’s fluency, grammar and specialist vocabulary developing as they move through the secondary stages?
  • How do you track young people’s fluency, attainment and that they have sufficient learning through Gaelic? How well do young people attain as part of the Scottish Attainment Challenge?
  • What are your arrangements for universal and targetted approaches to support young people in their learning? What difference are they making?
  • How are partners and rich activities enabling young people to use Gaelic in a range of authentic and coherent ways in the local and online communities?
  • How well is the school promoting individualised pathways for those in Gaelic Medium Education, including vocational options and by using digital technology?
  • How well do partners, such as Skills Development Scotland inform all learners of the career opportunities in Gaelic and steps to achieving positive destinations related to Gaelic?

PDF file: Total immersion across Secondary Schools (2.2 MB)

Leadership of Gàidhlig Education

Challenge questions

  • What is going well with your strategy for Gaelic?
  • How well is Gaelic language, culture and heritage captured in the school’s vision, values and aims?
  • To what extent is the school engaging with all stakeholders to self-evaluate their provision against the Advice on Gaelic Education, Statutory Guidance on Gaelic Education 2017, and inspection findings to ensure high-quality Gaelic Education?
  • Who are the partners with whom you collaborate and plan to share experience and expertise, take action, drive change, facilitate links for curriculum design and resource the curriculum?
  • How well do senior leaders enable staff to learn with and from each other and learn with colleagues across sectors and with partner agencies?
  • How well are children’s rights and learners’ voice heard in shaping the future direction of Gaelic Education?
  • How well is the school/setting tracking that children and young people are receiving sufficient immersion in Gaelic? How do you use this information?
  • What does setting stretch aims as part of the Scottish Attainment Challenge mean for young people learning Gaelic and in the medium of Gaelic?

PDF file: Leadership of Gàidhlig Education (265 KB)

Individual establishment inspection sketchnotes

Sketchnote - Lochaline Primary School - Outstanding Learning and Teaching - Accessing Gaelic in the community

Sharing highly effective features of practice from inspections of the Gaelic sector

Published 16/06/2023.  Last updated 26/06/2024
sourcePractice exemplars schoolLanguages groupsEarly Learning and Childcare (ELC) groupsPrimary groupsSecondary categoryGaelic

Gheibhear a’ Ghàidhlig an seo.

These sketchnotes are designed to promote professional dialogue, influence change and support planning for improvement.

Challenge questions are provided to support professional dialogue.

Users who require more information and context should refer to HM Inspection reports, summarised inspection findings and other publications for Gaelic.

Themed sketchnotes

Themed sketchnotes draw on a few inspections to summarise and highlight features of effective practice.

Gàidhlig Medium Education - Total immersion across the Early Years

Challenge questions

  • What are the effective pedagogies that you use for total immersion?
  • How do you ensure regular, quality interactions, as part of child-initiated, adult-initiated and adult-directed experiences so that children hear, absorb and use Gaelic?
  • How do you ensure the regular renewing of total immersion play contexts so that children’s learning is progressive, challenging and promotes curiosity?
  • What are the routines in the total immersion setting that enable children’s confidence in using Gaelic in familiar situations?
  • How well do the learning environments, both indoors and outdoors, support different types of total immersion play experiences to develop children’s fluency in Gaelic, knowledge, skills and understanding?
  • How well does the information you gather about children’s progress inform short- and long-term planning of their learning and next steps?
  • How are you using ‘The Advice on Gaelic Education' for self-evaluation and improvement planning?
  • How well are you supporting and developing parental engagement and family learning? How are parents/carers encouraged and informed so they can effectively support language used at home?

PDF file: Total immersion across the Early Years (482 KB)

Gàidhlig - Total immersion in Primary Schools

Challenge questions

  • What are the principles, and the actions you take to ensure learning, teaching and total immersion is consistently high quality, both indoors and outdoors?
  • Across stages, what proportion of the curriculum through Gaelic do learners experience, if not all of the curriculum? How well is this impacting on children and young people’s language acquisition and progress in the skills?
  • How well do staff access and apply findings from quality educational research to improve learning and teaching? How well do staff work with colleagues within and out with the school to agree standards to be achieved?
  • In dual medium schools, how well is Gaelic Learner Education being embedded across the curriculum and its context? Do children and young people have regular access to learning, hearing and using Gaelic?
  • How successfully are children and young people involved in opportunities for achievement, including events and activities in the community in which they are able to use their skills in Gaelic?
  • How well are you working in partnership with other providers and parents to support children with transitions?

PDF file: Total immersion across Primary Schools (500 KB)

Gàidhlig - Total Immersion in Secondary Schools

Challenge questions

  • How well do young people experience progression into qualifications in the senior phase in literacy, numeracy, and health and wellbeing, subjects, curriculum areas, personal achievements and in interdisciplinary learning?
  • How well is young people’s fluency, grammar and specialist vocabulary developing as they move through the secondary stages?
  • How do you track young people’s fluency, attainment and that they have sufficient learning through Gaelic? How well do young people attain as part of the Scottish Attainment Challenge?
  • What are your arrangements for universal and targetted approaches to support young people in their learning? What difference are they making?
  • How are partners and rich activities enabling young people to use Gaelic in a range of authentic and coherent ways in the local and online communities?
  • How well is the school promoting individualised pathways for those in Gaelic Medium Education, including vocational options and by using digital technology?
  • How well do partners, such as Skills Development Scotland inform all learners of the career opportunities in Gaelic and steps to achieving positive destinations related to Gaelic?

PDF file: Total immersion across Secondary Schools (2.2 MB)

Leadership of Gàidhlig Education

Challenge questions

  • What is going well with your strategy for Gaelic?
  • How well is Gaelic language, culture and heritage captured in the school’s vision, values and aims?
  • To what extent is the school engaging with all stakeholders to self-evaluate their provision against the Advice on Gaelic Education, Statutory Guidance on Gaelic Education 2017, and inspection findings to ensure high-quality Gaelic Education?
  • Who are the partners with whom you collaborate and plan to share experience and expertise, take action, drive change, facilitate links for curriculum design and resource the curriculum?
  • How well do senior leaders enable staff to learn with and from each other and learn with colleagues across sectors and with partner agencies?
  • How well are children’s rights and learners’ voice heard in shaping the future direction of Gaelic Education?
  • How well is the school/setting tracking that children and young people are receiving sufficient immersion in Gaelic? How do you use this information?
  • What does setting stretch aims as part of the Scottish Attainment Challenge mean for young people learning Gaelic and in the medium of Gaelic?

PDF file: Leadership of Gàidhlig Education (265 KB)

Individual establishment inspection sketchnotes

Sketchnote - Lochaline Primary School - Outstanding Learning and Teaching - Accessing Gaelic in the community