Coaching in Education: Developing coaching skills

Coaching approaches underpin the national model of professional learning and its key features and principles of learning-as-collaborative and learning by enquiring.

Coaching supports a broad range of professional learning and is a central feature of a teacher’s Professional Update through the coaching approach to PRD. There is a diverse range of coaching opportunities across Scotland with some local authorities having invested time and resources to develop coaching cultures. Many local authorities also offer twilight coaching programmes to support reviewers and reviewees with a coaching approach to PRD or offer an introduction to coaching.

Professional Learning Activities to support the development of mentoring and coaching skills

The following Professional Learning Activities (PLAs) provide self-directed activity to support the development of your mentoring and coaching skills in different contexts (requires log-in). 

The regular GTC Scotland Teaching Scotland Magazine coaching column features voices and experiences from across Scotland to support and explore coaching and mentoring ideas.

PDF file: May 2020 edition

PDF file: August 2020 edition

A range of videos, including case study interviews of coaching in schools, can also be found on the Growth Coaching International website.