Keeping the Promise Award Programme
This professional learning has been created to support anyone working with children and young people particularly those who are care experienced.
Although The Promise is now well known, particularly to Service Leaders, and indeed many local authorities have Promise action plans, there is still a significant number of practitioners in educational settings who are unsure of what they can do individually, and collectively, to Keep the Promise. This Award programme has been designed to both raise awareness and support practice at educational setting level.
Delivering this Award programme nationally, in every school and local authority, helps to address one of the key priorities of The Promise - to reduce the stigma that many care experienced people feel by promoting consistency of messaging around The Promise and the use of non-stigmatising language.
This professional learning will:
- raise awareness and understanding of The Promise (the commitment made by the Scottish Government to improving the experiences and outcomes for Scotland’s care experienced children and young people), and our responsibilities as corporate parents
- help practitioners understand the needs of children and young people and what we can do to support them
This professional learning was originally developed by North Lanarkshire Council in response to The Promise. The West Partnership Promise Working Group, Education Scotland, and CELCIS have since updated the original resources to create an accessible professional learning resource for all Local Authorities.
This professional learning takes the form of an Award programme. The full structure of the Programme is explained fully in the Information and Guidance Note.
These professional learning resources have been designed to be used in any educational settings and to be delivered flexibly. For example as:
- Whole establishment setting - In-Service training or as a collegiate activity
- Personal professional learning for individuals as part of their CLPL/PRD/PDR
- Induction Training for new staff
To support flexible delivery of the Award Programme the resources have been produced in the following formats:
- Powerpoint presentations with scripts for collegiate professional learning
- Narrated powerpoint presentations for individual professional learning
- E-learning module for everyone to be completed after the formal presentations
- Summative knowledge check/quiz
Participation in the Award is recognised at both personal and establishment levels through the ‘I Promise’ and ‘We Promise’ Certificates. A final ‘Keeping the Promise’ Award will be issued to establishments who can evidence impact of the professional learning on educational outcomes for care experienced children and young people (see the Information and Guidance note for details).
For education practitioners
PDF file: Keeping the Promise Information and Guidance Note (142 KB)
PPT presentation: Keeping the Promise Session 1 Presentation (Large file 2.5 MB)
Word file: Keeping the Promise Session 1 Script (28 KB)
PPT presentation: Keeping the Promise Session 2 Presentation (Large file 16 MB)
Word file: Keeping the Promise Session 2 Script (79 KB)
For CLD practitioners
PDF file: Keeping the Promise Information and Guidance Note (134 KB)
PPT presentation: Keeping the Promise Promotion Presentation (288 KB)
PPT presentation: Keeping the Promise Session 1 Presentation (Large file 1.6 MB)
Word file: Keeping the Promise Session 1 Script (28 KB)
PPT presentation: Keeping the Promise Session 2 Presentation (Large file 16 MB)
Word file: Keeping the Promise Session 2 Script (116 KB)
For Family Learning practitioners
PPT presentation: Family Learning - Keeping the Promise Session 1 (3.5 MB)
Word: Family Learning - Keeping the Promise Session 1 Script (32 KB)
PPT presentation: Family Learning - Keeping the Promise Session 2 (1.6 MB)
Word: Family Learning - Keeping the Promise Session 2 Script (42 KB)