Community Resilience
Community Resilience as a context for learning supports young people, their families and communities to develop an understanding of the causes and effects of emergencies. Through the careful planning and embedding of Community Resilience by teachers, developing partnerships and making connections through STEM, Learning for Sustainability, Children’s Rights, Developing the Young Workforce or Eco Schools Scotland, young people and their communities will be equipped with the skills, capabilities and attributes to prepare for, respond to and recover from adverse and challenging situations relevant to their local area.
Community Resilience as a context for learning
A number of schools and learning centres from across Scotland have agreed to be 'Pathfinders' in this exciting learning opportunity and we will track their journey throughout the coming months.
The first Network Day was held in Denholm House, Livingston on 11 September 2018. The delegates took part in a 'Landscaping Exercise' based on the resilience focus pertinent to their local area and community need. This sets the foundation for their improvement project initial self-evaluation and planning.
Zipped folder: Network Day One - Agenda and resources (5 MB)
The second Network Day was held in Denholm House, Livingston on 14th November 2018. The delegates who took part shared their outline plans for embedding Community Resilience and looked ahead to planning for assessment.
Word file: Network Day Two - Agenda and resources 14 November 2018 (4 MB)
The third Network Day was held in Denholm House, Livingston on 26th February 2019. The delegates shared their learning pathways and had a professional discussion about the levelling of assessments. Each school has a different “resilience focus” pertinent to the geographical challenges and the resilience needs of its community. This influences the learning pathway for each school which in turn meets the learning, physical and emotional needs of the pupils.
PDF file: Network Day Three - Embedding Community Resilience (2 MB)
Powerpoint file: Network Day Three - Embedding Community Resilience (1 MB)
Zipped folder: Network Day Three - Agenda and resources (14 MB)
Network Day 4 took place in Denholm House, Livingston, on 21 May 2019. Delegates evaluated the Embedding Community Resilience journey to date using the relevant Quality Indicators for their setting and resilience challenge/focus.
PDF file: Network Day 4 - Embedding Community Resilience (1.7 MB)
PPT file: Network Day 4 presentation (2.8 MB)
Zip file: Network Day 4 - Self-evaluation tools (499 KB)
Network Day 5 took place on Tuesday 5th November 2019 in Denholm House. The first part of the day was spent evaluating progress and impact of the original aims using Quality Indicators from HGIOS4 whilst identifying key sources of evidence.
In the afternoon, as part of the Ready Scotland National Resilience Week, Maree Todd, Minister for Children and Young People visited Denholm House. Pupils from Logie Primary (Moray) and Mintlaw Academy (Aberdeenshire) presented how Community Resilience has supported them as individuals to come together and collectively use their skills to plan for, respond to and recover from adverse and challenging situations.
PDF file: Network Day 5 - Outline of the day (1.6 MB)
Video playlist
See 3 videos in playlist on YouTube (see small menu at top right to navigate)
PDF file: Community Resilience aims - Activity resources (123 KB)
PDF file: Curriculum Narrative Engagement (409 KB)
PDF file: Community Resilience as a context for learning (2.2 MB)
PDF file: Logie Primary - Community Resilience (1.7 MB)
PDF file: Mintlaw Academy - Community Resilience (1.6 MB)
Zip file: Pathfinder schools case studies (6 MB)
Practical support and resources
The following video explores how to use community resilience as a context for learning.
Community Resilience and Curriculum for Excellence - this briefing guide raises awareness of community resilience as an exciting context for learning within Curriculum for Excellence.
Gaelic Community Resilience resources
PDF file: Overview leaflet (Gaelic)
Zipped file: Animal Disease Outbreak (432 KB)
Zipped file: Preparing for Winter Learning Journey (233 KB)
Zipped file: Swine Flu (167 KB)
Zipped file: Terrorism (510 KB)
Zipped file: Utilities Failure (205 KB)
Zipped file: Pandemic Flu (97 KB)
Zipped file: Flooding (936 KB)
PDF file: Learner challenge: Creating a public information website (Gaelic version) (587 KB)
PDF file: Learner challenge: Media and public safety (Gaelic version) (643 KB)
The following videos show how pupils, staff and the wider community of Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh are Embedding Community Resilience as a context for learning through the four cornerstones of Community, Culture, Language and Friendship.
Tapachd Coimhearsnachd - Bun sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh
Tapachd Coimhearsnachd - Bun sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh (English subtitles)
External links
Safeguarding Prevent in Education
Community Resilience and Social Studies - this mapping guide shows clear links between Community Resilience and Social Studies.
SEPA / Floodline Denburn Project
You Tube video – Community Resilience at Gairloch High School
Events and activities
Zipped folder: Scottish Resilient Community Conference 30 October 2018 (6.7 MB)
PDF file: Flood Risk Management – Partnership Working Discussion (547 KB)
Principles and practice documents