Education Scotland
About Education Scotland
What we do
- Ensuring the impact of Scotland’s Curriculum
- Delivering the Scottish Attainment Challenge
- Developing creativity, employability and skills
- Embedding inclusion, wellbeing and equality
- Implementing the National Improvement Framework
- Supporting Community Learning and Development
- Promoting digital learning and teaching
- Professional learning and leadership
- Advice and support to government
- Supporting Regional Improvement
- Food for Thought Education Fund 2024 - 2025
- Education Scotland Leadership Team
- Non-Executive Board Members (NEBM)
- The Education Scotland Framework
Policies and information
Education Policy and Legislation
- Getting It Right For Every Child
- Developing the education profession
- Legislation
- Better relationships, better learning, better behaviour
- Funding Follows the Child and the National Standard for Early Learning and Childcare providers: Principles and practice
- A National Response to Improving Mathematics (NRIM) in Scotland
- Curriculum for Excellence Implementation
- Child Protection and Safeguarding
- Freedom of Information
- Records Management
- Complaints
- Procurement
- Corporate Parenting
- Estates strategy
- Education Scotland Young People's Strategic Panel (2022)
- Data Protection
- Equality and diversity
Education Policy and Legislation
Planning and reporting
- Annual programme of Scrutiny 2024 to 2025
- Annual Programme of Scrutiny 2023 to 2024
- Annual Programme of Scrutiny 2022 to 2023
- Annual Programme of Scrutiny 2021 to 2022
- Minutes and Agendas
- Environmental and biodiversity duty reporting
- Community Asset Transfer
- Corporate and business planning
- Regional Directorate RIC plans
- Annual reports and accounts
- Complaints Annual Performance Reporting
- Equality mainstreaming 2023 to 2024
- Corporate Finance Strategy 2024 to 2025
- Annual Action Plan 2024-25: Re-focus through reform
- Registrar of Independent Schools
- Education Scotland Associate (ESA)
- Education Scotland people survey results
- Vacancies
- Local authority roles and duties
What we do
- Contact us
- Learning in Scotland
Curriculum for Excellence
- About Curriculum for Excellence
- Curriculum areas
- Curriculum Themes
- Curriculum for Excellence documents
- National response to improving literacy: interim report
Professional Learning
National approach to professional learning
- The national model of professional learning
The national model of professional learning in action
- From enquiry to a national community of practice with SCILT
- Building a culture of enquiry at Bannockburn High School
- From enquiry to a whole school coaching approach at St John's RC Academy
- Leading professional learning at Scottish Borders Council the #SBCWay
- Unlocking staff potential: A year of transformative professional learning at Kilwinning Academy
- Apply for Education Scotland endorsement
- Leadership in Education
- Early career teachers
- Masters learning
Community Learning and Development
- Connect with Education Scotland
- Professional Learning for CLD
- Connect with national organisations
- National CLD Networks
Pre-recorded professional learning sessions
- Digital
Poverty, Social Justice and Equalities
- Challenging Poverty with Scottish Refugee Council & Dundee City CLD – Challenge Poverty Week 2024
- UK General election voter registration and electoral resources
- Challenge Poverty Week 2023 webinar – Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Dumfries and Galloway, and Midlothian Councils
- Introduction to racial literacy for CLD
- Equalities in CLD – examples through inspection
- Exploring Equalities
- Introduction to Improving Gender Balance in CLD toolkit
- Challenge Poverty Week 2022 webinar – John McKendrick & Moray Council
- Exploring CLD and Sustainability
- CLD Inspection
- UNCRC and Youth Participation
- Youth Achievement
- Adult Learning
- Education Scotland as a Learning Organisation
Professional learning programmes, webinars and events
- Aspiring to Middle Leadership
- Building Racial Literacy
- Coaching in Education
- Connected and Collaborative Systems Leadership
- Early Career Teacher Experience (Primary Numeracy & Mathematics)
- Early Career Teacher Experience (Secondary Numeracy & Mathematics)
- Enquiry in Education
- In Headship
- Into Headship
- Leading CLD
- Leading professional learning programme
- Middle Leaders Leading Change
- Leading the How of Change: Facilitated learning for strategic leadership
- Apple Teacher
- Applied Growth Mindset
- Award in Leadership
- Coaching and Mentoring Professional Learning Programme
- Coaching and Reflecting
- Curriculum Innovation and Design
- Delivering LGBT Inclusive Education: Stage 1 and Stage 2
- Depute Head Teacher Leadership Course
- Developing and sustaining reading for pleasure (primary)
- Do-BeMindful Foundation Programme and Resilience-Based Recovery Programme
- Early Level Collaborative Numeracy/Mathematics Project
- Edinburgh Learns: Differentiation
- Edinburgh Learns: Formative Assessment for Learning
- Edinburgh Learns: Inspiring teacher enquiry
- Edinburgh Learns: Leadership of Learning
- Edinburgh Learns: Leading a Learning Community
- Edinburgh Learns: Skills
- Educational Leadership (Stage one: Middle Leadership)
- Educational Leadership stage one: middle leadership
- Effective Mentoring
- Emotional Literacy
- Engaging Families in Children's Learning
- Enterprising Practitioner Programme (Blended Pathway)
- Environmental Education in Action
- Evaluation: Assessing the Impact of Family Engagement
- Global Learning Partnerships
- Google for Education Teacher Centre and Certification Programs
- Guided approach to pedagogical enquiry
- Head Teacher Leadership Course
- Head Teachers Leadership Academy
- Inspirational Leadership
- Introducing School Leadership
- Introduction to Leadership Coaching
- Lead On Programme
- Leadership and Management Professional Learning Programme
- Leadership Development and Induction Programme
- Leadership in Professional Contexts
- Leadership of Highly Effective Learning, Teaching and Assessment
- Leading for Outdoor Learning
- Leading from the Middle
- Learning for Sustainability: Connecting Classrooms
- Making Connections through Learning for Sustainability
- Maths Through Story
- Mental health champions: developing mentally healthy classrooms
- Mental health champions: developing a school mental health strategy
- Mentors in Violence Prevention
- Microsoft Education Center and Microsoft Innovative Educator
- Microsoft K12 Education Transformation Framework
- Middle Leadership
- Middle Leadership and Management in Schools
- Numeracy Champions Collaborative in Clackmannanshire
- Osiris Teaching Intervention
- Play Pedagogy Collaborative Enquiry 2023-24
- Post Graduate Certificate in Leading Learning and Teaching
- Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership and Learning
- Principal Teacher Leadership Course
- Pupil Support Leadership Programme
- Reciprocal Reading
- Relationship Leadership
- Resilience and Wellbeing Series for Educators (Level 1)
- Safe and Empowered: Responding to a Digital Generation
- School Leader Facilitator
- Scottish Improvement Leaders Programme
- Senior Leadership Programme
- STEM Family Learning Programme
- Teacher Leadership
- Understanding Social Enterprise
- VIBE for Middle Leaders: Professional Recognition in Self-Evaluation
- We:Align group coaching programme
- Youth Philanthropy Initiative
- Towards safer, braver spaces for online learning
- Scotland’s Languages Leadership Programme (SLLP)
Programme Learning
- Aspiring to Middle Leadership 2022 to 2023
- Aspiring to Middle Leadership 2023 to 2024
- Building Racial Literacy
- Building Racial Literacy - Cohort 2
- Building Racial Literacy - Cohort 3
- Building Racial Literacy - Cohort 4
- Building Racial Literacy - Cohort 5
- Building Racial Literacy - Cohort 6
- Curriculum innovation and design
Educators Leading Practice 2023 to 2024
- Exploring and reflecting (Part 1)
- Enquiry
- Reflecting and Sharing
Example Programme
- Managing finance
Health and safety
The legal context, roles and risk assessment
- Legal responsibility and accountability
- Risk assessment and management background
- Health and safety roles - local authorities
- Health and safety roles - headteachers
- Health and safety roles - employee duties
- Health and safety roles - promoted and specialist staff
- Summary of the role of the headteacher
- Example knowledge check
- Health and safety in the school environment
- Outdoor learning and excursions
- Child protection
The legal context, roles and risk assessment
Into Headship (2021)
- Managing finance
Health and safety
The legal context, roles and risk assessment
- Legal responsibility and accountability
- Risk assessment and management background
- Health and safety roles - local authorities
- Health and safety roles - headteachers
- Health and safety roles - employee duties
- Health and safety roles - promoted and specialist staff
- Summary of the role of the headteacher
- Knowledge check
- Health and safety in the school environment
- Outdoor learning and excursions
- Child protection
The legal context, roles and risk assessment
Children and families
- Children's rights and Getting it Right for Every Child
- Non-discrimination and the Equality Act 2010
Key Scottish legislation related to GIRFEC
- The Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000
- Education (Disability Strategies and Pupils’ Educational Records) (Scotland) Act 2002
- Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 (as amended by the Education (Additional Support for learning) (Scotland) Act 2009
- Code of Practice to support the ASL Act
- The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
- Education (Scotland) Act 2016
- Legislative framework
- Knowledge check
- Parental involvement – principles and policies
- Parental representation
Managing people
- Relevance of employment law to education settings
- Contract of employment
- Dealing with discipline and grievance issues
- Equality and discrimination
- Leading in the Catholic sector
Into Headship (2022)
- Managing finance
Health and safety
The legal context, roles and risk assessment
- Legal responsibility and accountability
- Risk assessment and management background
- Health and safety roles - local authorities
- Health and safety roles - headteachers
- Health and safety roles - employee duties
- Health and safety roles - promoted and specialist staff
- Summary of the role of the headteacher
- Knowledge check
- Health and safety in the school environment
- Outdoor learning and excursions
- Child protection
The legal context, roles and risk assessment
Children and families
- Children's rights and Getting it Right for Every Child
- Non-discrimination and the Equality Act 2010
Key Scottish legislation related to GIRFEC
- The Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000
- Education (Disability Strategies and Pupils’ Educational Records) (Scotland) Act 2002
- Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 (as amended by the Education (Additional Support for learning) (Scotland) Act 2009
- Code of Practice to support the ASL Act
- The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
- Education (Scotland) Act 2016
- Legislative framework
- Knowledge check
- Parental involvement – principles and policies
- Parental representation
Managing people
- Relevance of employment law to education settings
- Contract of employment
- Dealing with discipline and grievance issues
- Equality and discrimination
- Leading in the Catholic sector
Into Headship (2023)
- Managing finance
Health and safety
The legal context, roles and risk assessment
- Legal responsibility and accountability
- Risk assessment and management background
- Health and safety roles - local authorities
- Health and safety roles - headteachers
- Health and safety roles - employee duties
- Health and safety roles - promoted and specialist staff
- Summary of the role of the headteacher
- Knowledge check
- Health and safety in the school environment
- Outdoor learning and excursions
- Child protection
The legal context, roles and risk assessment
Children and families
- Children's rights and Getting it Right for Every Child
- Non-discrimination and the Equality Act 2010
Key Scottish legislation related to GIRFEC
- The Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000
- Education (Disability Strategies and Pupils’ Educational Records) (Scotland) Act 2002
- Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 (as amended by the Education (Additional Support for learning) (Scotland) Act 2009
- Code of Practice to support the ASL Act
- The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
- Education (Scotland) Act 2016
- Legislative framework
- Knowledge check
- Parental involvement – principles and policies
- Parental representation
Managing people
- Relevance of employment law to education settings
- Contract of employment
- Dealing with discipline and grievance issues
- Equality and discrimination
- Leading in the Catholic sector
Into Headship (2024)
- Managing finance
Health and safety
The legal context, roles and risk assessment
- Legal responsibility and accountability
- Risk assessment and management background
- Health and safety roles - local authorities
- Health and safety roles - headteachers
- Health and safety roles - employee duties
- Health and safety roles - promoted and specialist staff
- Summary of the role of the headteacher
- Knowledge check
- Health and safety in the school environment
- Outdoor learning and excursions
- Child protection
The legal context, roles and risk assessment
Children and families
- Children's rights and Getting it Right for Every Child
- Non-discrimination and the Equality Act 2010
Key Scottish legislation related to GIRFEC
- The Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000
- Education (Disability Strategies and Pupils’ Educational Records) (Scotland) Act 2002
- Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 (as amended by the Education (Additional Support for learning) (Scotland) Act 2009
- Code of Practice to support the ASL Act
- The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
- Education (Scotland) Act 2016
- Legislative framework
- Knowledge check
- Parental involvement – principles and policies
- Parental representation
Managing people
- Relevance of employment law to education settings
- Contract of employment
- Dealing with discipline and grievance issues
- Equality and discrimination
- Leading in the Catholic sector
- Leading the How of Change: facilitated learning for strategic leadership
- Leading Professional Learning Programme
- Leadership of Professional Learning
- Making Sense of System Leadership
Middle Leaders - Leading Change (2022)
- Pre-programme module
- Module 1
Module 2
- Emotional intelligence
- Coaching
- Beginning the anti-racist journey
- What is data?
- What is student data?
- Data rich?
- Qualitative and quantitative data
- Data and school improvement
- Multiple sources of data
- Individual data activity
- Closing the attainment gap
- Engaging your team with data
- Using data to support a challenging conversation – third point of reference
- Data-driven dialogue template
- Leading complex change
- Reflections on Module 2
- Module 3
- Middle Leaders - Leading Change (2023/24)
- test
- Professional Learning partners
- Learning for sustainability professional learning
- Leading professional learning
Self-directed professional learning
Professional Learning Activities (PLA)
- Adaptive leadership
- Adopting a practitioner enquiry approach to developing classroom practice
- Ag àrdachadh dòighean-obrach proifeiseanta ann an ceannardas ann am Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig (FMG)
- AML - Roles of middle leadership 1: The student-focussed role
- AML - Roles of middle leadership 2: The administrative role
- AML - Roles of middle leadership 3: The organisational role
- AML - Roles of middle leadership 4: The supervisory role
- AML - Roles of middle leadership 5: The staff development role
- AML - Roles of middle leadership 6: The strategic role
- AML - Roles of middle leadership 7: External Liaison Role
- AML - Roles of middle leadership 8: Supporting Staff Wellbeing Role
- An introduction to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and supporting learners
- An introduction to intellectual disability and supporting learners
- An introduction to the United Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC): part one
- An introduction to the United Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC): part one (Gaelic)
- Becoming an anti-racist educator
- Coaching and mentoring to lead professional learning
- Coaching in Education - models and tools
- Coaching Skills – Establishing and building coaching relationships
- Collaborative use of data
- Collective efficacy to lead professional learning
- Cost of the School Day
- Develop an inclusive approach to improvement planning
- Developing a collaborative culture
- Developing and sustaining a coaching culture
- Developing number sense
- Effective online teaching
- Effective professional learning - andragogy
- Effectively sharing practice and learning in public
- Establishing a differentiated classroom
- Excellence in Headship - Supporting the health and wellbeing of headteachers
- Exploring middle leadership
- Exploring school leadership
- Exploring system leadership
- Exploring teacher leadership
- Facilitating online professional learning
- Family learning: effective engagement strategies
- Family learning: planning and delivery
- Finding ways to wellbeing through coaching and self-empowerment
- Gender Aware middle leadership
- Gender Aware Practice – addressing gender gaps in confidence, participation and wellbeing to develop more inclusive learning and teaching
- Having hard conversations: skills, tools, and techniques
- Headteacher role in policy leadership
- Introducing Bullet Journaling
- Introduction to Coaching in Education
- Introduction to inclusive education for pupil support staff
- Keeping the Promise Award (KPTA) Module 1
- Keeping the Promise Award (KPTA) Module 2
- Keeping the Promise Award (KPTA) Module 3
- Leadership of wider achievement
- Leading a coaching culture: headteachers
- Leading a specific change project
- Leading a whole establishment enquiry approach
- Leading collaborative practitioner enquiry
- Leading cultural change to effect improvement
- Leading effective pedagogy
- Leading effective professional learning (part 1)
- Leading effective professional learning (part 2)
- Leading learning for sustainability
- Leading learning through family and community partnerships
- Leading professional review and development
- Leading the professional learning of colleagues
- LGBT inclusive education in the classroom and community
- MLLC PLA - Anti-Racist Journey
- MLLC PLA 1 - Pre-programme
- MLLC PLA 2 - The conditions and characteristics of effective Middle Leadership
- MLLC PLA 3 - Self-Awareness – Value of Emotional and Social Intelligence in Leading Change
- MLLC PLA 4 - Leadership of Change - Using Data
- MLLC PLA 5 - Leading change - Planning your change initiative - change models
- MLLC PLA 6 – Being a change leader - Learning from literature and research
- MLLC PLA 7 - Leading change - Engaging stakeholders
- National ELC Module 4 - Developing and understanding of curriculum rationale
National ELC Module 5 – Tracking and Monitoring
Part 1: Gathering the Evidence/Data: Theme 1
Part 1: Gathering the Evidence/Data: Theme 2
Part 1: Gathering the Evidence/Data: Theme 3
Part 2: Collating and Analysing the evidence/data: Theme1
Part 2: Collating and Analysing the evidence/data: Theme 2
Part 2: Collating and Analysing the evidence/data: Theme 3
Part 3: Using Evidence/Data: Theme 1
Part 3: Using Evidence/Data: Theme 2
Part 3: Using Evidence/Data: Theme 3
Impact step
- Optimising RC cluster and parish links
- Planning and evaluating professional learning
- Racial trauma
- Self-evaluation for improvement in a formal leadership role
- Self-evaluation for middle leaders
- Self-evaluation for organisational improvement
- Self-evaluation for professional learning
- Self-evaluation for school and system improvement
- Self-evaluation to develop as a school or system leader
- Stepping Stones: Promoting Positive Behaviour
- Supporting bilingualism and English as an additional language
- Supporting children and young people from Armed Forces families
- Supporting children and young people through grief and loss
- Supporting collaboration between schools
- Supporting learners with additional support needs in a mainstream classroom
- Supporting learning at home
- Supporting Teacher Leadership
- Supporting Young Carers in Education Module 1: Identifying Young Carers in Education
- Supporting Young Carers in Education Module 2: Young Carers and the Law, Their Rights, and Their Voice
- Supporting Young Carers in Education Module 3: Ways to Support Young Carers in Education
- Supporting young people to navigate their online life
- Talking about racism
- Teaching learning outdoors
- The importance of building healthy teams
- The Playboxes Method: A focussed time to play
- The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC): Part Two - Additional Support Needs
- The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) part two: Early Learning and Childcare
- The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) part two: Gaelic Medium Education (GME)
- The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) part two: Gaelic Medium Education (GME) (Gaelic)
- The United Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) part two: primary schools
- The United Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) part two: secondary schools
- Transformative and pedagogical leadership for school improvement
- Understanding ADHD and supporting learners
- Understanding autism and supporting learners
- Understanding nurture, adverse childhood experiences and trauma
- Undertaking reading and research to improve practice
- Undertaking reading of research, legislation and policy
- Using coaching approaches to lead colleague development
- Using retrieval practice as a tool to improve pupils’ learning in mathematics
- MLLC PLA 1 - Self-awareness, Emotional Intelligence, Values
- MLLC PLA 2 – Middle Leadership: Knowing the role
- MLLC PLA 3 – Change models
- MLLC PLA 4 – Using data to lead change
- MLLC PLA 5 – Engaging others in change
- Supporting care-experienced learners who are adopted
- Enquiry in Education
- Coaching in Education
- Aspiring to Middle Leadership
- Middle Leaders Leading Change
Pupil support staff framework
- Guide to registration, login and access to PLAs
- Video resource library
Professional Learning Activities (PLA)
Professional Learning Blog
- My experience of Aspiring to Middle Leadership
- Dear Early Careers Teacher
- Leadership prospection
- How to listen
- A Change Will Do You Good
- Young Person’s Perspective – Creating an inclusive and safe environment for everyone
- Middle Leaders Leading Change (1)
- Taking the Lead with Languages
- Big Thinking Curriculum
- Back to the Future
- Middle Leadership Glue
- International Professional Development Association Conference
- Ooey gooey lusciousness of responsibility
- Looking Out for Your Wellbeing
- The ‘most important’ thing
- Empowering Education Leaders
- Breakspear’s Sonnet - Agile Leadership with Education Scotland
- What’s stopping you? Changing the workplace dynamic through coaching conversations
- Making Sense of System Leadership – better connected
- Using Digital Intentionally
- Ikea Flat Packs: a lesson in leadership
- Coaching for effective leadership
- Leading Intentionally, Teaching Deliberately
- Having hard conversations
- Teacher Leadership: The importance of teacher agency
- My journey on the Middle Leaders - Leading Change programme
- Middle Leadership: The Engine Room of the School
- My professional learning experience
- Lipscombe changes the narrative for Middle Leaders
- The Importance of Being Present
- Decolonising the Curriculum: Exploring Positive Narratives that Challenge Assumptions, Empower Learners and Inspire Unity
- Tell us what you think about Professional Learning and Leadership on the Education Scotland website
- Capture, Cleanse and Weave
- Supporting Professional Learning - a Business Support Overview
- A Squash and A Squeeze
- Young leaders of learning
- Some take aways from our Collaborative Middle Leadership and Agile School Leadership programmes
- Middle Leadership
- Scaffolding a Difficult Conversation
- 3 Leadership Lessons from the Arctic
- Building Racial Literacy
- Effective Learner Participation
- Targeting Professional Learning
- My experience of Building Racial Literacy: power, motivation, hope and positivity
- The Many Faces of Middle Leadership
- Self-care: a panacea for emotional health and wellbeing?
- The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Scots Law
- Professional Learning? It’s like riding a bike…
- Northern Alliance Right Drivers
- New Year Focus
- Shining a desk lamp on middle leadership
- Global citizenship, equality and diversity – one teacher’s personal journey
- Towards anti-racism for a fairer Scotland
- Teacher-Led Professional Learning
- Using the national model of professional learning to plan high quality professional learning programmes
- Leading remotely: one Scottish headteacher’s perspective
- Focusing on what matters – values and wellbeing
- Teacher Leadership Programme case study - Furzana Ahmed
- #ProfessionalLearningSpaces
- Using assistive technology to support ASN pupils
- A reflection on the Teacher Development Trust Conference
- Play - pedagogy and anti-racism
- Safe spaces, inclusion, belonging and pupil empowerment
- A place for everything and everything in its place
- Leadership of professional learning
- Excellence in Headship Stretch: Embracing empowerment through collaboration
- Stop, look, and listen
- Scottish Book Trust - Learn how to build a reading culture at your school
- Impact report for 2022 to 2023
- EiH Stretch: Redeveloping my sense of agency and empowerment
- Empowering educators: A journey through Transformative Learning
- Embracing diversity: First staff Iftar
- Unlocking staff potential: A year of transformative Professional Learning at Kilwinning Academy
- Teaching slavery in Scotland
- 'You might also like...': Lessons for professional learning from Netflix
- It all starts with a question…
- Leading professional learning at Scottish Borders Council the #SBCWay
- Improving leadership of professional learning at St Joseph’s Primary
- Leading the How of Change: a brief overview of a programme we designed alongside senior leaders
- Impact report: professional learning and leadership directorate 2022 to 2023
- Access denied
- Activate registration
- Forgotten password
- Online Code of Conduct
Video resource library
- Health and wellbeing
Middle leaders
- Hard conversations - Unpacked
- Distributed Leadership and Equality
- Jennifer Abrams webinar
- International Blether – Shining a Light on Middle Leadership
- John de Nobile: Middle leadership roles and Scottish schools
- Middle Leadership Research and Self-evaluation
- Scotland Middle Leaders Team Health Workshop
- Curriculum Design: ELC and Primary Middle Leaders
- Curriculum Design: Secondary Middle leadership
- Leading from the Middle
- Middle Leadership Superpower: our impact on the learner
- Public health
Research and enquiry
- Leading Enquiry and Professional Learning in Schools - Tri Nations Blether
- Leading a whole school practitioner enquiry approach
- Leading collaborative practitioner enquiry
- Leading practitioner enquiry
- It Starts with a Question 13th March 2020- #SWAQ20- Opening Keynote
- It Starts with a Question 13th March 2020- #SWAQ20- Closing Remarks
International series
- International series: In conversation with Trevor MacKenzie
- International series: Empowering educators in pandemic times
- International series: Jenni Donohoo
- International series: Conversations around Leadership for Sustainability
- International series: In conversation with Dr Paul Bloomberg and Paul Martuccio
- International series: Imperfect leadership with Steve Munby
- International series: In conversation with Peter Dewitt
- International series: Quality implementation with Jenni Donohoo and Steven Katz.
- International series: In conversation with Avis Glaze
- International series: In conversation with Dr Simon Breakspear
- International series: In conversation with Pasi Sahlberg
- International series: Re-igniting the purpose of education with Dr Santiago Rincón-Gallardo
Learning for Sustainability in practice
- Coast to mountain - LfS across the curriculum
- Making life better for people
- "That was an idea once, and now it's actually a thing that's happened"
- Muddy Town - Tong Primary School
- Active citizens - Tong Primary School
- Target 2030
- EcoArt
- "I would like to go everywhere!"
- "Together we have something"
- "Citizens of the future"
- "If you find a piece of vacant land"
- What can we do in a year?
- "Everyone should see their fingerprints"
- "If everyone tried"
- Stirling Climate Ambassadors
- "Once you feel the joy, you just want to do more"
- "It’s just a hop, step and a jump across the road"
- Walks and Talks
- "We want our children to live and breathe Learning for Sustainability"
- "Be bold and be brave"
- "We are making a difference"
- "At Letham LfS matters!"
- "This is our earth, these are our goals"
- "Outdoors feels like home"
- "Let’s just protect the world"
- Connecting communities through learning for sustainability
- Humanitarian change makers
- "In their natural surroundings"
- "Get messy and make mudpies"
- Leadership+
National approach to professional learning
Inspection and review
- Find an inspection report
What we do and how we do it
- About inspection and review
- International links
- Inspection myths
Standards and evaluation framework
- What do we focus on during inspection and review?
- How does inspection and review support improvement?
- What do we inspect?
- How often do we inspect?
- Evaluating quality and improvement in Scottish education
- What do we expect of staff and stakeholders?
- Comments, compliments or complaints
- How do teams conduct themselves during inspection and review?
- What is the legal basis for inspection and review?
- How we ensure our approaches to inspection and review are of a high quality?
- School consultations
HM Chief Inspector reports and guidance
National thematic inspections
Local authority approaches to supporting school improvement
- Overview
- Methodology
- Main findings and summary messages
- Recommendations
- Supporting effective improvement planning, and standards and quality reporting
- Supporting improvement through self-evaluation and quality assurance
- Supporting schools to improve the quality of education through professional learning
- Delivering universal and targeted support to improve the quality of education
- Conclusion
- Questionnaire analysis
Modhan ùghdarras ionadail airson taic a thoirt do leasachadh sgoile
- Foir-shealladh
- Modh-eòlas
- Prìomh thoraidhean is geàrr-theachdaireachdan
- Molaidhean
- A’ toirt taic do sgoiltean gus planadh leasachaidh agus aithris air inbhean agus càileachd èifeachdach a chur an sàs?
- A’ toirt taic do leasachadh tro fhèin-luachadh agus gealltanas càileachd
- A’ toirt taic do sgoiltean gus càileachd foghlaim a leasachadh tro ionnsachadh proifeiseanta
- A’ lìbhrigeadh taic agus dùbhlan uile-choitcheann don h-uile sgoil, agus/no taic chuimsichte do sgoiltean sònraichte gus càileachd foghlaim a leasachadh
- Co-dhùnadh
- Pàipear-taic: Mion-sgrùdadh ceisteachain
- Meeting the support needs of learners in Scotland’s colleges
- Evaluation of community learning and development in Scotland
- Luachadh air ionnsachadh agus leasachadh coimhearsnachd ann an Alba
- Enhancing the quality of mathematics education in Scotland
A’ neartachadh càileachd foghlam matamataig ann an Alba
- Ro-ràdh
- Modh-eòlas
- Prìomh thoraidhean is geàrr-theachdaireachdan
- Beachdan chloinne is daoine òga air ionnsachadh matamataig
- Càileachd ionnsachaidh is teagaisg ann am matamataig
- Toraidhean a tha sònraichte dhan raon: tràth-ionnsachadh is cùram-chloinne
- Co-dhùnadh is molaidhean
- Pàipear-taic 1: Ionadan is sgoiltean air an robhar a’ tadhal
- Evaluation of curriculum design in Scotland
- Local authority approaches to school improvement announcement
- National Review: Approaches to recording and monitoring incidents of bullying in schools
- Responsive, supportive and resilient communities September 2022
- Local approaches to recovery: a thematic review
- Health and wellbeing: a thematic review
- Successful Approaches to Learning Outdoors
- Engaging families in learning – A thematic inspection of family learning
- Modern Apprenticeship reports
- Assessment within the broad general education: a thematic inspection
- Multiplying skills, adding value - Numeracy and mathematics for Scotland's learners: a thematic inspection
- Local authority thematic privacy notice
- Improving outcomes for learners in the Glasgow College Region
Thematic reports up to and including June 2019
- Creative Place review
- Development Trust reviews
- National thematic inspection: empowerment for curriculum leadership
- National thematic inspection: empowerment for parent and pupil participation
- National thematic inspection: readiness for empowerment
- Neighbourhood review
- Thematic inspection of personal and social education (PSE) and health and wellbeing
- Thematic review
- Reports from the States of Guernsey Education Department
Local authority approaches to supporting school improvement
- School and ELC inspection findings
- Other inspection findings
Inspection and review guidance
School and ELC
- Approaches to inspection from August 2016
- Early learning and childcare inspections
- Primary school inspections
- Secondary school inspections
- All-through school inspections
- Arrangements for inspecting Gaelic Education
- Arrangements for inspecting special schools
- Residential special school inspections
- Independent school inspections
- Inspection of progress in improving learning, raising attainment and closing the poverty-related gap
- Health and Nutrition Inspections
- Arrangements for inspecting independent special schools and grant-aided schools
- Other sectors
- Inspection Advice Note – January 2024
School and ELC
- College sector
- Gaelic Sector
National thematic inspections
Inspection frameworks
- How good is our Community Learning and Development?
Quality improvement framework for the early learning and childcare sectors
Early learning and childcare quality indicators
- Leadership and management of staff and resources
- Staff skills, knowledge, values and deployment
- Leadership of continuous improvement
- Children experience high quality spaces
- Play and learning
- Curriculum
- Learning, teaching and assessment
- Nurturing care and support
- Wellbeing, inclusion and equality
- Children’s progress
- Safeguarding and child protection
- Childminding quality indicators
- School age childcare quality indicators
Early learning and childcare quality indicators
- Our engagement work alternative
- Promoting improvement through sharing highly effective practice
- Our engagement work
- Our engagement work final
Parentzone Scotland
- My child
Curriculum in Scotland
- Curriculum areas
- About the 3-18 curriculum
- Curriculum levels
- Learning in the early years
- Senior phase
- Post-16 opportunities
- Assessment and achievement
- Assessment in the Senior Phase
- Developing the Young Workforce
- National Improvement Framework
- National Improvement Framework Evidence Report
- Scottish Attainment Challenge
- Pupil Equity Funding
- An empowered system
- Young Leaders of Learning Programme - Information for Parents and Carers
- Anti-racist education
- LGBT Inclusive Education
Learning at home
- Supporting children with additional support needs
- Supporting health and wellbeing
- Supporting gender balance and equality
- Supporting language learning at home
- Supporting literacy at home
- Supporting numeracy at home
- Supporting religious and moral education
- Supporting science, technologies, engineering and mathematics (STEM) at home
- Parents who do not live together
- Gaelic Medium Education: Support your child’s learning – simple tips in Gaelic and English
- Supporting study
- Learning through play
- Home learning environment
- Schemas: learning through play
Gaelic Medium Education: Activities to support fluency development
- Sit less, walk more, speak Gaelic – early years to secondary
- Become a nature detective – early years, primary and secondary
- Heroes - early years, primary and secondary
- Favourite places - early years, primary and secondary
- Character friends - early, primary and secondary
- Songs and rhymes – sgoil àraich, primary and secondary
- Just words - early years and primary
- Create a reading den - early years and primary
- Doodle fun - early years and primary
- Making faces - early years and primary
- Let’s create a game - early years and primary
- A few of my favourite things - early years and primary
- The entertainer - early years and primary
- Looking for Gaelic texts in our homes - early years, primary and secondary
- Our community – early years, primary and secondary
- Reading is fun – early years, primary and secondary
- Planning my day to develop my fluency in Gaelic - early years to secondary
- Our community - early years to secondary
- Our community – early years, primary and secondary (2)
- Going on a bear hunt - primary
- Photo challenge - primary
- Attending events - early years, primary and secondary
- Fitness fun - primary
- Blended learning
- My school
Additional support
- What are additional support needs?
- Identifying needs and getting support
- Specific support needs
- How schools plan support
- Supporting children with additional support needs
- The Additional Support for Learning Act
Getting involved
- Ways of getting involved
- Parent Councils
- The school parent forum
- National Parent Forum of Scotland
- Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act
- Connect
- Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme
Sharing ideas
- Learn with Fred - Dundee family literacies project
- Bridging the gap at Bannockburn High School
- A change of culture at Denny High School
- An appetite for learning at Bellshill Academy
- Family learning - Science, Glasgow Clyde College
- Working with ESOL parents through storytelling
- Communicating with parents at Alloa Academy
- Parentzone Scotland poster and postcard
- Parentzone News
Resource Themes
- Learning for Sustainability
- Children's rights in Scotland
- Gaelic
- Improving Gender Balance and Equalities
- Inclusion Wellbeing and Equality
- Inspection and review
- Parents and families
- Scottish Attainment Challenge
- Leadership in Education
- National e-learning offer
- Learning for sustainability professional learning
- Educational psychology research in Scotland
- Aligning family learning and The Promise - A guide for family learning professionals and GIRFEC strategic leads
- Bullying
Challenging Poverty
Family Learning
- Learning to read in the early years
- Resource Lists
- Scottish attainment challenge case studies
- The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Resources search
Work placements
- Effective use of data
- Experiences and challenges of attending school, college and university as a deaf young person
- Family engagement in secondary schools
Improving attendance in Scotland
- Improving attendance: understanding the issues report
Development of plans, policies and guidance
- Guidance on creating a local authority and school policy
- Sketchnote - Policy context
- Exemplification of local authority policy guidance: Introduction Part 1A
- Summary of key legislation and policy in relation to attendance and absence
- Exemplification of roles and responsibilities
- Promoting good attendance
- Sketchnote - Promoting good attendance - supportive strategies and approaches
- Exemplification of staged intervention for attendance
- Exemplar of Attendance Policy Part 2A: Procedures and Part 3: Appendices
- Developing a context specific school attendance policy
- Attendance and ELC information note to support policy development
- Guidance for, and exemplification of, school attendance policies
- 'Decision Making Tree' for unexplained absence
- Effective use of data
- Partnership and multi-agency working
- Effective strategies
- Culture, systems and practice
Putting children and young people's views at the centre
- What is this?
- Using the toolkit
- Section 1: What does their attendance look like?
- Section 2: What are the risk and resilience factors affecting the learner?
- Section 3: What are the factors/feelings contributing to low engagement or attendance?
- Section 4: What do they need?
- Appendix - Ideas for catching up on lost learning due to absence
- Engaging parents and families
- Learning for Sustainability advice and guidance
- Equalities policy guide
- A collaborative approach to tracking achievement with a focus on skills in Alva Academy
Early Speech, Language and Communication Development: Which Factors are Associated with Better or Poorer Outcomes?
- Key themes
- Early SLC development in Scotland
- Which factors are associated with better and poorer SLC outcomes?
- How can we use GIRFEC to think about SLC as a wellbeing issue?
- What is possible within the Scottish context?
- Summary
- Reflective questions for leaders and practitioners
- Definitions: Prevention approaches
- Nurture in Scotland
- Search
- Feedback
- Accessibility statement
- Audio and video: disproportionate burden assessment
- PDF documents: disproportionate burden assessment
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